Wat betekent of in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord of in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van of in Engels.

Het woord of in Engels betekent uit, van, van het, van, van, van, van, voor, van, van, van, van, van, over, goedkeuren, , ergens tussenuit knijpen, hoop, berg, baal, vleug van ironie, berg, hoop, heleboel, een aantal, wereld, machtsmisbruik, verdraagzaam tegenover, verdraagzaam voor, tolerant tegenover, tolerant voor, voor, voor, voor, allemaal, allemaal, maar, slechts, plotseling, plots, opeens, ineens, allerlei, divers, langs, oogappel, dankbaar, informeren, inlichten, wat betreft, verscheidenheid, collectie, arrestatiebevel, arsenaal, om de waarheid te zeggen, tengevolge van, vanaf, van nu af aan, nu, op het moment, in het kader van, als deel van, als onderdeel van, beschaamd om, zich schamen, aan het begin, aan het einde, op het einde, tegen het einde, aan het einde van de dag, uiteindelijk, bewust zijn van, baccalaureus in de exacte wetenschappen, iem. met een baccalaureus in de exacte wetenschappen, machtsevenwicht, handelsbalans, bal, pest, plaag, hoofdkwartier, van mening zijn, parels van zweet, straal, de naam dragen van, lastdier, vanwege, door, hierom, zich bewust worden van, gebeuren met, worden van, namens iemand/iets, uitbarsting van iets, schoonheid, natriumwaterstofcarbonaat, bicarbonaat, wissel, wisselbrief, miljard, duizenden, spriet, kleurenpracht, raad van bestuur, wegstormen, smak geld, fles wijn, fles wijn, kruin, tros, tros, door, door middel van, door middel van, met behulp van, aan de hand van, via, door middel van, per adres, bekwaam, competent, slof, een glimp opvangen van, in het oog krijgen, spaarcertificaat, centrum van activiteit, middelpunt van de belangstelling, middelpunt van de belangstelling, zwaartepunt, zwaartepunt, hiërarchische structuur, voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur, Kamer van Koophandel, steun, strijd, inzet, Minister van Financiën, overgang, tempowisseling, verandering van omgeving, ladekast, commode, GOS, donderslag. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord of


preposition (from: derivation, origin)

The label on the wine bottle read "Produce of Spain".


preposition (possession, connection)

She's a friend of my neighbour.

van het

preposition (application of a verb)

The secretary is tired of typing.


preposition (cause)

The economy is the cause of the crisis.


preposition (formed from: material)

This bowl is made of plastic.


preposition (direction from)

There is a city north of here.


preposition (distance)

There is a city within five miles of here.


preposition (US (time: before, to)

It's five minutes of three o'clock.


preposition (separation)

He was deprived of his turn.


preposition (apposition)

That fool of a repairman left a wrench in the pipe.


preposition (inclusion)

John's colleagues make him feel like he's one of them.


preposition (indicating attributes)

The Duchess was a woman of refinement.


preposition (on the part of)

It was nice of you to give me a gift.


preposition (in respect of, with reference to)

I would like to talk to you of your future.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (consider good or acceptable)

Her parents did not approve of her new boyfriend.

(withdraw from)

Sue backed out of helping us paint the house.

ergens tussenuit knijpen

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (end involvement) (informeel)

Eric bailed out of the project when the firm didn't pay him.

hoop, berg, baal

noun (US, informal, figurative (large number of [sth]) (figuurlijk, informeel)

Take as many beers as you like; I've got a bunch of them.

vleug van ironie

noun (slight sarcasm)

berg, hoop

noun (informal (great quantity) (figuurlijk, informeel)

I'll cook up a load of chicken legs and we can take them on our picnic.


expression (many, much)

There were a lot of children in the swimming pool. They made a lot of noise.

een aantal

plural noun (some, several)

He has broken the rules a number of times.


noun (figurative (a great amount of [sth]) (figuurlijk)

There is a world of difference between their politics.


noun (illegitimate use of authority for own benefit)

verdraagzaam tegenover, verdraagzaam voor, tolerant tegenover, tolerant voor

(tolerant of [sth])

This community is accepting of people of all cultures and backgrounds.
Deze gemeenschap is verdraagzaam (of: tolerant) jegens mensen van alle culturen en achtergronden.


preposition (in a race: in front)

The race is in its final lap, and Ivy is ahead of everyone.


preposition (before, prior to)

Thank goodness we finished that project ahead of the deadline.


preposition (in front of)

We couldn't move because there was an accident ahead of us.


pronoun (every one of)

Someone has eaten all of the chocolates. All of his classmates went to his birthday party.


pronoun (every bit of)

I've spent all of my money.

maar, slechts

preposition (only)

She took all of twenty minutes to complete the puzzle.

plotseling, plots, opeens, ineens

adverb (suddenly)

All of a sudden, a dark cloud blotted out the sun.
Plotseling schoof er een donkere wolk voor de zon.

allerlei, divers

preposition (many and varied)

The shelves were lined with all sorts of lotions and potions for the skin.


preposition (all along, alongside)

She had strung miniature lights along the length of the patio for the party.


expression (beloved person)

Jenny loved her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.


adjective (person: grateful)

We're very appreciative of all the help you've given us.

informeren, inlichten

(formal (notify [sb])

wat betreft

preposition (with regard to)

Apropos your visit, do you know when you will be arriving?

verscheidenheid, collectie

noun (variety, range)

The company provides an array of services for its customers.


noun (document authorizing arrest)

A warrant has been issued for the gang leader's arrest.


noun (figurative (store, supply)

om de waarheid te zeggen

expression (in fact, on the contrary)

I'm not ignoring your brother; as a matter of fact, I invited him for dinner tonight.

tengevolge van

(due to, because of)

As a result of your disobedience, your parents punished you.


preposition (starting from)

As of Monday, the office will be closed.
Vanaf maandag is het kantoor gesloten.

van nu af aan

adverb (from this moment onwards)

As of now, you are no longer welcome in my house.

nu, op het moment

adverb (at this moment)

As of now, we have collected nearly 80% of the funds we need to complete the project.

in het kader van

preposition (in the wider context)

As part of a school project, we must write and perform a short play.
In het kader van een schoolproject moeten we een kort toneelstuk schrijven en opvoeren.

als deel van, als onderdeel van

preposition (as a member)

As part of a team, you must be able to work together with other people.
Als deel van een team moet je met andere mensen kunnen samenwerken.

beschaamd om


I was ashamed of my boyfriend's rude behavior at the dinner party.

zich schamen

verbal expression (feel shame)

You should be ashamed of yourself for failing that test!

aan het begin

expression (at the starting point of)

One should use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
Aan het begin van een zin gebruikt men een hoofdletter.

aan het einde, op het einde, tegen het einde

expression (in final stages of [sth])

aan het einde van de dag

expression (in the evening)

He went home at the end of the day.
Hij ging aan het einde van de dag naar huis.


expression (figurative (ultimately)

At the end of the day, there's nothing we can do.
Uiteindelijk kunnen we niets doen.

bewust zijn van

adjective (conscious of)

Drivers must be aware of the other cars on the road.

baccalaureus in de exacte wetenschappen

noun (undergraduate degree)

iem. met een baccalaureus in de exacte wetenschappen

noun ([sb] with science degree)


noun (between nations)

The balance of power shifted when the king became ill, with parliament becoming more independent.


noun (difference in values of imports and imports)

The growth in imports has lead to a worsening of the balance of trade.


noun (underside of foot) (van de voet)

He stood on the balls of his feet, ready to move.

pest, plaag

noun (figurative (source of annoyance) (figuurlijk)

My computer's crashed again; technology is the bane of my life!


noun (military installation) (militair)

The Allies moved their base of operations from England to the coast of Normandy.

van mening zijn

(believe, think)

My husband thinks autumn is the best season, but I am of the opinion that winter is better.

parels van zweet

plural noun (perspiration)


noun (light ray)

The room was dark except for a thin beam of light shining through a small hole in the roof.

de naam dragen van

transitive verb (be named after)

Many butterfly species bear the name of their discoverers.


noun (figurative (animal used for heavy work)

The water buffalo is the traditional beast of burden in Thailand.

vanwege, door

preposition (owing to, on account of)

I was late because of heavy traffic.


expression (informal (for the reason specified)

Chris was bitten by a German Shepherd when he was eight; because of this, he is scared of dogs.

zich bewust worden van

verbal expression (notice)

Sheila became aware of someone following her.

gebeuren met, worden van

verbal expression (happen to)

What ever became of Joe Hill? Do you know where he is now?

namens iemand/iets

preposition (in place of [sb])

I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice. The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf.

uitbarsting van iets

noun (gush or burst of [sth])

A belch of exhaust fumes came out of the tailpipe.


noun (dated (most charming girl present)

When she was younger she was the belle of the town.

natriumwaterstofcarbonaat, bicarbonaat

noun (informal, abbreviation (bicarbonate of soda)

wissel, wisselbrief

noun (order for payment)

The exporter sent a bill of exchange for the value of the goods.


adjective (thousands of millions in number)

There are billions of cells in the human body.


adjective (figurative, informal (many) (figuurlijk)


noun (part of leaf)

My cousin uses grass to make music by blowing on the blade while holding it taut.


noun ([sth] intensely colorful)

raad van bestuur

noun (business: governing committee)

The board of directors must approve any change in the company's constitution.


verbal expression (exit rapidly)

The spooked horse bolted out of the barn.

smak geld

noun (US, slang (large quantity, esp of money) (informeel)

fles wijn

noun (glass bottle containing wine)

She brought a bottle of wine to the party.

fles wijn

noun (amount of wine in one bottle)

A bottle of red wine contains 635 calories.


noun (edge of a hill) (van heuvel)

The spectators cheered as the first cyclist appeared over the brow of the hill.


noun (bananas, grapes: clump) (fruit)

Marcy had toast and a small bunch of grapes for breakfast.


noun (collection: of keys, etc.) (sleutels, etc.)

The prison guard had a bunch of keys dangling from his belt.

door, door middel van

preposition (dated (by means of: work, effort)

By dint of brilliant organization, we were able to depart on time.

door middel van, met behulp van, aan de hand van

preposition (via)

The artist has depicted the light falling on the objects by means of crosshatching.


preposition (going through)

She flew from Khartoum to Kathmandu by way of Dubai.

door middel van

preposition (by means of)

per adres

preposition (abbreviation (correspondence: care of) (briefwisseling)

Please send the package c/o Jeremy Walters.

bekwaam, competent

adjective (mentally able to)


noun (amount in a cardboard container)

There's about one carton of milk in the pan. The orange juice had gone off, so I poured the whole carton down the sink.
een slof sigaretten

een glimp opvangen van

transitive verb (perceive briefly)

in het oog krijgen

verbal expression (glimpse, notice)

When I caught sight of my appearance in the mirror, I immediately rushed back to my closet to change.


noun (US, acronym (investment: certificate of deposit) (VS)

CDs are paying very low interest compared to five years ago.

centrum van activiteit

noun (US (where action takes place)

The Telegraph Station in Alice Springs became the centre of activity in the area.

middelpunt van de belangstelling

noun (US (focal point) (letterlijk)

The UAE was the centre of attention as the region's biggest football tournament came to the country.

middelpunt van de belangstelling

noun (US, figurative (focus of interest) (figuurlijk)

The painting was the centre of attention at the exhibition.


noun (US, formal (where weight is balanced) (letterlijk)

The position of the centre of gravity affects the stability of an object.


noun (US, figurative (person: focus of activity) (figuurlijk)

The Asia-Pacific region has become the centre of gravity for the world economy.

hiërarchische structuur

noun (hierarchy)

Orders travel along the chain of command from the headquarters to the soldiers in the field.

voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur

noun (head of a governing committee)

Kamer van Koophandel

noun (association of local business people)

The local chamber of commerce meets on the first Tuesday of each month.

steun, strijd, inzet

noun (vocal support)

Sandy has always been very vocal in her championship of healthy living.

Minister van Financiën

noun (UK (British treasury minister) (UK)


noun (dated, informal (menopause) (menopauze)

Weight gain is common among women who are going through the change.


noun (figurative (refreshing deviation from the usual)

The water fight was a wonderful change of pace after working in the garden. Tonight's dinner is a welcome change of pace from the usual meat and potatos.
Het watergevecht was een welkome afwisseling na het werken in de tuin.

verandering van omgeving

noun (figurative (refreshing deviation)

Jake was looking for a change of scene, and decided to apply for a job abroad.

ladekast, commode

noun (furniture: has drawers)

I keep all my tools in an old chest of drawers that used to be in the bedroom.


noun (initialism (Commonwealth of Independent States)

The CIS was formed in 1991.


noun (sudden loud noise made by thunder)

A clap of thunder startled me.

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Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van of in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Verwante woorden van of

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.