英语 中的 nut 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 nut 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 nut 的说明。

英语 中的nut 表示坚果 jiān guǒ, 干果,果仁 gān guǒ,guǒ rén, 螺帽 luó mào, 疯子,怪物 fēng zi ,guài wù, 入迷的人,为…而狂热的人,…迷 rù mí de rén,wèi … ér kuáng rè de rén,mí, 疯狂的 fēng kuáng de, 蛋蛋, 糟糕 zāo gāo, 脑袋 nǎo dài, 煤块 méi kuài, 琴弓, 指板 zhǐ bǎn, 运营成本,经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn, 用脑袋撞, 全国教师联盟, 槟榔, 巴西坚果 bā xī jiān guǒ, 巴西坚果树 bā xī jiān guǒ shù, 腰果 yāo guǒ, 槽顶螺母, 大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng, 姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān, 红头发的人, 姜黄头发的人, 可乐果 kě lè guǒ, 可乐果 kě lè guǒ, 车轮螺母, 澳洲坚果 ào zhōu jiān guǒ, 螺母和螺栓,螺帽和螺栓 luó mào hé luó shuān, 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo, 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo, 坚果饼, 套筒扳手, 栗色, 深棕色, 栗色的, 深棕色的, 疯子 fēng zi, 精神病院,疯人院 jīng shén bìng yuàn,fēng rén yuàn, 乱糟糟的地方,混乱不堪的地方 luàn zāo zāo de dì fāng,hùn luàn bù kān de dì fāng, 挑取坚果果肉的用具 tiāo qǔ jiān guǒ guǒ ròu de yòng jù, 松子 sōng zǐ, 开心果 kāi xīn guǒ, 难缠的人 nán chán de rén, 难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén, 难办的事 nán bàn de shì, 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ, 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 nut 的含义

坚果 jiān guǒ

noun (hard fruit) (植物)

Jeff spent all day cracking nuts for his mom last Christmas.

干果,果仁 gān guǒ,guǒ rén

noun (kernel) (食物,如榛子等)

Getting a nut out of its shell without breaking it can be tricky.

螺帽 luó mào

noun (screw)

Joe tried to tighten a nut in his car and hurt his wrist.

疯子,怪物 fēng zi ,guài wù

noun (figurative, slang (crazy person) (非正式用法)

Don't listen to George - he's a nut.

入迷的人,为…而狂热的人,…迷 rù mí de rén,wèi … ér kuáng rè de rén,mí

noun (informal, as suffix (person: fan, enthusiast) (非正式用法)

Brian is a coffee nut; he won't talk about anything else.

疯狂的 fēng kuáng de

adjective (pejorative, slang (person: crazy)

Aunt Marie is nuts; she spends all day cleaning her doll collection.


plural noun (figurative, slang (testicles)

Jamie kicked Colby right in his nuts when he made a rude comment to her.

糟糕 zāo gāo

interjection (US, slang (frustration, disappointment) (俚语)

Nuts! I missed my bus.

脑袋 nǎo dài

noun (figurative, slang (head)

Aaron hit his head, but didn't get a concussion because he has a hard nut.

煤块 méi kuài

noun (UK (piece of coal)

The worker swept the nuts of coal up and tossed them into the furnace.


noun (violin: bow) (提琴)

The teacher tried to show Kim how to hold the nut of the bow.

指板 zhǐ bǎn

noun (violin: fingerboard) (提琴)

John took his violin to the repairman to have the nut replaced because it had cracked.

运营成本,经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn

noun (US, slang (business: operating cost) (商业)


transitive verb (UK, slang (headbutt)

The bloke nutted James and ran off as he lay on the ground with his head bleeding.


noun (UK, initialism (National Union of Teachers)


noun (substance chewed like tobacco)

巴西坚果 bā xī jiān guǒ

noun (edible nut)

In a bowl of mixed nuts the Brazil nuts are the largest ones.

巴西坚果树 bā xī jiān guǒ shù

noun (nut tree)

腰果 yāo guǒ

noun (edible nut) (一种巴西坚果)

I'm not really allergic to cashew nuts - I just don't like them.



大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng

verbal expression (slang (go crazy, be angry)

My mum'll do her nut when she finds out I've dented her car.

姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān

noun (UK (cookie)

Kyle grabbed another ginger nut off the plate and ate it.

红头发的人, 姜黄头发的人

noun (potentially offensive, slang (auburn-haired person, redhead)

Everyone in the family's a ginger nut.

可乐果 kě lè guǒ

noun (edible nut)

可乐果 kě lè guǒ

noun (edible fruit) (可乐树所结的果实)


noun (mechanics)

澳洲坚果 ào zhōu jiān guǒ

noun (edible seed)

Macadamia nuts are much more expensive than most other types of nut.

螺母和螺栓,螺帽和螺栓 luó mào hé luó shuān

noun (steel fastening)

坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo

noun (bread containing nuts) (含有坚果的面包)

I love nut bread for breakfast.

坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo

noun (vegetarian dish) (一道素食)

It is easy to make a dish similar to a hamburger with nut bread.


noun (vegetarian dish) (素食者吃的)


noun (tool for screwing head onto a bolt)

栗色, 深棕色

noun (medium brown color)

栗色的, 深棕色的

adjective (medium brown in color)

疯子 fēng zi

noun (slang, pejorative (insane person)

My husband, the nutcase, wants to have a fifth child.

精神病院,疯人院 jīng shén bìng yuàn,fēng rén yuàn

noun (slang, dated, offensive (psychiatric hospital) (俚语,过时用语,无礼)

乱糟糟的地方,混乱不堪的地方 luàn zāo zāo de dì fāng,hùn luàn bù kān de dì fāng

noun (slang, figurative (chaotic place) (俚语,比喻)

挑取坚果果肉的用具 tiāo qǔ jiān guǒ guǒ ròu de yòng jù

noun (tool for removing nutmeat from shell)

松子 sōng zǐ

noun (edible seed)

Pesto sauce is made from pine nuts, basil, olive oil and parmesan cheese.

开心果 kāi xīn guǒ

noun (edible greenish nut)

The fish was baked with a crust of ground pistachio.

难缠的人 nán chán de rén

noun (figurative (difficult person)

难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén

noun (figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade)

Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.

难办的事 nán bàn de shì

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve)

This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack.

翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ

noun (threaded nut with extensions for turning)

To make the clamp easier to remove without tools, I installed wing nuts.

翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ

noun ([sb] deranged, obsessed)

He is a bit of a wing nut, isn't he?

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nut 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。