英语 中的 holding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 holding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 holding 的说明。

英语 中的holding 表示地方 dì fāng, 拥有的财产 yōng yǒu de cái chǎn, 用于暂时存放的, 等待航线的, 持有 chí yǒu, 拥有的书籍, 握住 wò zhù, 包含 bāo hán, 拥抱 yōng bào, 等,别挂断 děng,bié guà duàn, 承受 chéng shòu, 等,等待 děng,děng dài, 握住 wò zhù, 底舱,货舱 dǐ cāng,huò cāng, 擒拿技术 qín ná jì shù, 把握 bǎ wò, 货舱 huò cāng, 行李舱 xíng lǐ cāng, 继续撑住 jì xù chēng zhù, 保持 bǎo chí, 有 yǒu, 保住 bǎo zhù, 保持 bǎo chí, 拿 ná, 拥有 yōng yǒu, 扣留 kòu liú, 保持 bǎo chí, 参与 cān yù, 容纳 róng nà, 防守 fáng shǒu, 占领 zhàn lǐng, 保持 bǎo chí, 相信 xiāng xìn, 举行 jǔ xíng, 怀有 huái yǒu, 监室, 控股公司 kòng gǔ gōng sī, 等待航线, 控股公司 kòng gǔ gōng sī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 holding 的含义

地方 dì fāng

noun (real estate)

Josh leased a holding outside of town for his horse.

拥有的财产 yōng yǒu de cái chǎn

plural noun (finance, real estate) (holdings, 金融,尤指股票、债券等)

Seth had a lot of holdings in the city.


adjective (for storage)

The cattle in the holding pen have plenty of water and hay.


adjective (delaying) (航空)

The plane was in a holding pattern for several minutes before it was allowed to land. The conservation considered the removal of non-native species a holding action, not a final solution.

持有 chí yǒu

noun (act of)

Holding is just as important as spending when it comes to money.


plural noun (library books)

The city library had holdings in the hundreds of thousands on every subject imaginable.

握住 wò zhù

transitive verb (grasp)

She holds her child's hand when they cross the street.

包含 bāo hán

transitive verb (contain)

This container holds four litres of liquid.

拥抱 yōng bào

transitive verb (embrace)

The couple held each other tightly. The mother held her crying child.

等,别挂断 děng,bié guà duàn

intransitive verb (on phone: wait) (电话)

Can you hold for a minute while I check that information for you?

承受 chéng shòu

intransitive verb (adhere)

Is that knot going to hold?

等,等待 děng,děng dài

noun (telephone) (电话不挂断)

He was placed on hold for five minutes when he called.

握住 wò zhù

noun (grasp)

He had a tight hold on his daughter's wrist.

底舱,货舱 dǐ cāng,huò cāng

noun (ship: storage area) (船的)

The dry food was kept down in the hold.

擒拿技术 qín ná jì shù

noun (wrestling) (摔跤术语)

The wrestler used a special hold to defeat his opponent.

把握 bǎ wò

noun (mental grasp)

The new president's hold on difficult policy issues was not strong.

货舱 huò cāng

noun (plane: cargo storage) (飞机)

Pets travel in crates in the hold.

行李舱 xíng lǐ cāng

noun (plane: bag storage) (飞机)

The airline carries wheelchairs free of charge in the hold.

继续撑住 jì xù chēng zhù

intransitive verb (continue to resist)

The dam has held through all the storms that have passed.

保持 bǎo chí

(not change state) (某种状态)

The water level held at two feet above sea level.

有 yǒu

transitive verb (possess)

Leah holds the keys to the car.

保住 bǎo zhù

transitive verb (continue to have)

His son can't hold a job; he keeps getting fired.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (believe that) (立场、观点)

The professor holds that it is best to learn a foreign language at the earliest age possible.

拿 ná

transitive verb (take)

Could you hold this box for me for a minute?

拥有 yōng yǒu

transitive verb (own)

She holds the land, but it is used by the entire family.

扣留 kòu liú

transitive verb (have in custody)

The police held the suspect in custody.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (retain)

We held some cash in Euros in case of emergency.

参与 cān yù

transitive verb (engage in)

I don't hold discussions with silly people.

容纳 róng nà

transitive verb (accommodate)

This conference room holds up to forty people.

防守 fáng shǒu

transitive verb (military: defend) (军事术语)

The rebels held their position for ten hours until reinforcements arrived.

占领 zhàn lǐng

transitive verb (military: occupy) (军事术语)

The army sought to hold the strategic mountaintop.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (course: maintain)

Hold your current course for the next one hundred kilometres.

相信 xiāng xìn

transitive verb (believe, consider)

He holds that those actions should be illegal.

举行 jǔ xíng

transitive verb (meeting, event: conduct)

We will hold the meeting in the conference room. // Julie is holding a party on Saturday.

怀有 huái yǒu

transitive verb (have: an opinion) (某种想法)

We know that not all party members hold the same position on this issue.


noun (room where [sb] is held in custody)

控股公司 kòng gǔ gōng sī

noun (business)


noun (plane: flight path while waiting to land) (飞机:等待着陆时的飞行路线)

控股公司 kòng gǔ gōng sī

noun (firm that owns majority of shares)

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holding 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。