英语 中的 Golden Gate Bridge 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 Golden Gate Bridge 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 Golden Gate Bridge 的说明。
英语 中的Golden Gate Bridge 表示金色的 jīn sè de, 金制的 jīn zhì de, 极佳的 jí jiā de, 备受欢迎的 bèi shòu huān yíng de, 绝好的,珍贵的 jué hǎo de ,zhēn guì de, 金毛寻回犬 jīn máo xún huí quǎn, 黄金时代 huáng jīn shí dài, 金童, 棕金色 zōng jīn sè, 棕金色的 zōng jīn sè de, 金童玉女,黄金夫妻档, 金鹰 jīn yīng, …的黄金时代, 黄金女郎, 下金蛋的鹅, 摇钱树, 丰厚的离职金, 金典 jīn diǎn, 50周年庆典, 中庸, 旧日经典, 天赐良机 tiān cì liáng jī, 高层管理人员与公司签订的有利条件(如离职时可拿到优厚报酬等) gāo céng guǎn lǐ rén yuán yǔ gōng sī qiān dìng de yǒu lì tiáo jiàn ( rú lí zhí shí kě ná dào yōu hòu bào chóu děng ), 金毛猎犬, 金科玉律 jīn kē yù lǜ, 糖浆 táng jiāng, 黄金入场券, 金婚纪念 jīn hūn jì niàn, 金黄色 jīn huáng sè, 金黄色的 jīn huáng sè de, 沉默是金。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 Golden Gate Bridge 的含义
金色的 jīn sè deadjective (gold in color) Golden light shone through the window. 金色的阳光洒进窗户中。 |
金制的 jīn zhì deadjective (made of gold) The king wore a golden crown. 国王头戴一顶金子做的王冠。 |
极佳的 jí jiā deadjective (figurative (age, years, moments: special) During its golden years, the Roman Empire surrounded the Mediterranean Sea. |
备受欢迎的 bèi shòu huān yíng deadjective (figurative (favored) Paul was the family's golden child; his brother was jealous of him. |
绝好的,珍贵的 jué hǎo de ,zhēn guì deadjective (figurative (opportunity: perfect, advantageous) (机会等) This seemed to be the golden moment for Tom to tell his parents he was dropping out of university, but he lost his nerve and said nothing. |
金毛寻回犬 jīn máo xún huí quǎnnoun (informal, abbreviation (retriever dog) Mary has three dogs: two goldens and a cocker. |
黄金时代 huáng jīn shí dàinoun (finest period in [sth]'s history) Some look back to the 18th century as the golden age of reason. |
金童noun (figurative (male who is admired and popular) |
棕金色 zōng jīn sènoun (warm light-brown color) Her hair was a beautiful shade of golden brown. |
棕金色的 zōng jīn sè deadjective (warm light brown in color) Her golden brown hair shone in the sunlight. |
金童玉女,黄金夫妻档noun (successful or celebrated duo) |
金鹰 jīn yīngnoun (large bird of prey) Golden eagles sometimes swoop down on lambs. |
…的黄金时代noun (most successful period, heyday) The golden era of cheap flights is virtually finished. |
黄金女郎noun (successful or celebrated woman) |
下金蛋的鹅noun (legendary goose) |
摇钱树noun (figurative (ongoing source of wealth) |
丰厚的离职金noun (figurative (generous severance payment) The company let him go with a golden handshake. |
金典 jīn diǎnnoun (50th anniversary) Vera Lynn sang outside Buckingham Palace in 1995 to mark the golden jubilee of VE Day. |
50周年庆典noun (monarch: 50th year) King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand celebrated his golden jubilee on 9th June 1996. |
中庸noun (perfect moderate position) |
旧日经典(something once popular) |
天赐良机 tiān cì liáng jīnoun (perfect chance) You can't say no to his offer: it's a golden opportunity. |
高层管理人员与公司签订的有利条件(如离职时可拿到优厚报酬等) gāo céng guǎn lǐ rén yuán yǔ gōng sī qiān dìng de yǒu lì tiáo jiàn ( rú lí zhí shí kě ná dào yōu hòu bào chóu děng )noun (figurative (retirement package) (工商业) The company's Chief Financial Officer is entitled to a golden parachute of $15.5 million. |
金毛猎犬noun (breed of gun dog) Golden retrievers are patient and loyal; they make great family pets. |
金科玉律 jīn kē yù lǜnoun (fundamental guideline) The golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you. |
糖浆 táng jiāngnoun (UK, uncountable (refiners' syrup) A lot of ginger cake recipes use a combination of golden syrup and black treacle as a sweetener. |
黄金入场券noun (figurative (key to a great opportunity) (良机) |
金婚纪念 jīn hūn jì niànnoun (marriage: 50 years) My parents will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary next year. |
金黄色 jīn huáng sènoun (shade of yellow) |
金黄色的 jīn huáng sè deadjective (golden-yellow in color) |
沉默是金expression (It is wisest to say nothing) |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。