英语 中的 crew 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 crew 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 crew 的说明。

英语 中的crew 表示全体船员 quán tǐ chuán yuán, 赛艇运动 sài tǐng yùn dòng, 一组(一队、一班)工作人员 yì zǔ ( yí duì 、yì bān ) gōng zuò rén yuán, 充当…的船员, 一帮人 yì bāng rén, 做船员, 鸦,乌鸦 yā,wū yā, 公鸡啼叫声, 打鸣, 夸口 kuā kǒu, 吹嘘 chuī xū, 乘务组 chéng wù zǔ, 平头 píng tóu, 平头 píng tóu, 工作人员 gōng zuò rén yuán, 贴脖圆领,圆领, 水手领汗衫 shuǐ shǒu lǐng hàn shān, 圆领的, 水手领的, 水手式短袜 shuǐ shǒu shì duǎn wà, 平头的 píng tóu de, 摄制组, 机场地勤人员 jī chǎng dì qín rén yuán, 乌合之众 wū hé zhī zhòng, 舞台工作人员 wǔ tái gōng zuò rén yuán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 crew 的含义

全体船员 quán tǐ chuán yuán

noun (team on a boat, etc.) (船)

Judith wants me to join her crew when she sails to New Zealand.

赛艇运动 sài tǐng yùn dòng

noun (sport: rowing)

Linda likes to row, so she plans to go out for crew.

一组(一队、一班)工作人员 yì zǔ ( yí duì 、yì bān ) gōng zuò rén yuán

noun (group)

After we cleaned up the playground, the whole crew went out for pizza.


transitive verb (serve on: a vessel) (船)

That yacht is crewed by professional sailors.

一帮人 yì bāng rén

noun (informal (social group)

Jake was at the party with his brothers and their girlfriends -- the usual crew.


intransitive verb (serve on a vessel)

George had never before crewed on a cargo ship.

鸦,乌鸦 yā,wū yā

noun (black bird) (鸟类)

The crows scare the other birds away from the birdbath.


noun (sound of rooster)

Lucy can imitate a rooster's crow perfectly.


intransitive verb (make rooster-like sound) (公鸡)

Charles always wakes up when the rooster starts crowing.

夸口 kuā kǒu

intransitive verb (figurative, informal (brag)

"I said I would win and I did," Jesse crowed.

吹嘘 chuī xū

(figurative, informal (brag about)

Steve is crowing about his perfect test score.

乘务组 chéng wù zǔ

noun (staff of a plane or ship)

The friendly smiles of the cabin crew put the passengers at ease.

平头 píng tóu

noun (army haircut)

His crew cut and posture made it clear he was a military man.

平头 píng tóu

noun (very short haircut)

The boys on the team all have crew cuts.

工作人员 gōng zuò rén yuán

noun ([sb] in a working team)

The ship sank with 35 crew members on board.


noun (neckline: round) (服装)

The t-shirt had a crew neck as opposed to a V neck

水手领汗衫 shuǐ shǒu lǐng hàn shān

noun (top: rounded neckline)

Because it was his day off, he threw on a crew neck instead of a collared shirt.

圆领的, 水手领的

noun as adjective (having a rounded neckline)

水手式短袜 shuǐ shǒu shì duǎn wà

noun (US, usually plural (sports sock)

The label on the package said "crew socks", but I'd always just called them "socks".

平头的 píng tóu de

noun as adjective (hair: very short) (发型)

You could tell he was a Marine from his crew-cut hair.


noun (team filming a movie or video)

机场地勤人员 jī chǎng dì qín rén yuán

noun (airline employees)

The ground crew safely guided the plane to the terminal gate.

乌合之众 wū hé zhī zhòng

noun (informal (varied group)

舞台工作人员 wǔ tái gōng zuò rén yuán

noun (theatre technicians)

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crew 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。