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Description: We Eat Forest Famous ethnicist Claude-Lévi Strauss said, "We ate the forest marked the coronation in the national literature of a completely new genre, outstanding for the fact. Stick and native reality, deeper than anything ever before. 1948-1949, when he was 27 years old, G. Condominas went to live a long time with the village of Sar Luk, observe and find out where, without translation, about the lives of the Mnong Gar here. The research method considers "the people learn as a living art" that helps him get famous writing works. The Marxist Gar, as well as most people in the mountains of Tien - Indochina, "eat forest" in their own words, which means they are cultivated by burning. Georges Condominas has come to Sar Luk village in the Central Highlands to share their lives for a year corresponding to a complete agricultural cycle and reassembling that experience of You'Re in this book. From the buffalo sacrifice at Taang's funeral - Jieng, Jaang's wedding, the suicide of the handsome Tieng guy, to the Great Land, I live with him until the end. Year Stone - God Goat In addition to a theoretical research on the structure of a society, he has provided in this book a picture that is more accurate and meticulous about the lifestyle of people. That social composition, and the way they perform the existence of that cultural "model" by specific examples drawn from everyday reality. For example, here is not a theoretical Bodhisattva Gar, but presents a specific buffalo offering ceremony with a date and is set in the context of life. Date - the exchange between Baap Can and Ndêh: ie richer details beyond the main theme. Similarly, the book does not sketch a typical marriage diagram of the Mnong Gar, but tells the wedding of Srae and Jaang happened, with all specific details. Details: Books - We eat the forest Issuer: Omega plus Publisher: The Gioi Publishing House Author: Georges Condominas Year of publication: 2020 Paperback specifications Size (cm): 13x20.5 Pages: 516 Sku: 8935270701567

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