What does 蛛丝马迹 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 蛛丝马迹 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 蛛丝马迹 in Chinese.

The word 蛛丝马迹 in Chinese means clue, tiny hints (of a secret), traces. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 蛛丝马迹


verb noun

For example, as you approach individuals, look for clues that indicate their culture, interests, or family situation.

tiny hints (of a secret)

verb noun


verb noun

如果我们想要在火星表面 找到那些生命印记的蛛丝马迹,
if we want to be able to find those traces of the signatures of life

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让 我们 看看 能 得到 什么 蛛丝马迹
Let's see where this trial leads.
On implementation of investigation order issued by the first investigating judge of the military court in Beirut regarding the investigations and anything that can throw light on the enquiry into the explosion which caused the death of former Prime Minister Hariri and others
他 是 不会 留下 任何 蛛丝马迹
He's not gonna leave any loose ends.
我们 正在 搜寻 蛛丝马迹 以便 查明 它 的 来历
We're pursuing a lead to track his source.
Although camp officials were always on the lookout for evidence of religious activity, we were able to hold our meetings and baptisms in the camp bathhouse because the one in charge of it was a Witness.
However, the implementation of these measures must start simultaneously with the relocation; otherwise the trail of records left behind may lead to tracing the witness.
至 # 年期间的国际核查工作是一个很好的例子,显示在全面的视察制度下,即使是最隐秘的生物武器方案,例如伊拉克的方案,也无法彻底掩盖蛛丝马迹
The account of international verification in the period from # to # exemplifies that even the most clandestine biological warfare programme, such as the one in Iraq, cannot be hidden in its entirety from a comprehensive inspection regime
我自己清楚,道德感 -- 哪 怕只是蛛丝马迹 -- 明白无误的预示我不再适合销售衍生产品了。
I knew even a tinge of morality was a sure sign that I no longer was cut out to sell derivatives.
To address these risks better, selected audit staff will receive additional training in procurement so that they are better able to identify indicators of fraud
委员会继续跟踪过去几个月的调查中得到的各种蛛丝马迹和线索,这些调查涉及叙利亚嫌犯和黎巴嫩嫌犯及其同伙、证人、从犯罪现场获得的有关暗杀中使用的炸药的性质和类型的证据以及有关犯罪现场找到的其他证据的资料,还有那些同 # 年 # 月 # 日的事件有密切关联的个人的情况。
The Commission continues to follow traces and leads developed from the previous months of investigation regarding both Syrian and Lebanese suspects and their associates, witnesses, evidence obtained from the crime scene regarding the nature and type of explosives used in the assassination, and information about the other evidence found at the crime scene, as well as about individuals closely associated with the events of # ebruary
For example, as you approach individuals, look for clues that indicate their culture, interests, or family situation.
But, contrary to economists’ claims, oil inventories do reveal a footprint of speculation.
你 觉得 我会 留下 蛛丝马迹
Do you think I want to leave any traces behind?
An examination of the underground systems within the road and its environs was also conducted and no traces of any part of an initiating device were found.
Signs and symptoms that point to evidence of crimes against children;
时隔六年, 我怀抱着不屈不饶,冷酷无情的态度, 向这个体系注入乐观主义, 无论新闻发布会上会有怎样的问题, 我现在变得更会处理这些问题了—— 而且,无论对立面有着怎样的蛛丝马迹
And for six years, I have stubbornly, relentlessly injected optimism into the system, no matter what the questions from the press -- and I have gotten better at those -- and no matter what the evidence to the contrary.
How much supervision will be required not just to verify compliance but also to detect any possible attempt at a breakout?
The account of international verification in the period from 1991 to 1995 exemplifies that even the most clandestine biological warfare programme, such as the one in Iraq, cannot be hidden in its entirety from a comprehensive inspection regime.
Various measures are being taken to sensitise public officials, social workers and other key actors to possible signals of sexual exploitation of children, and training is being provided on ways of effectively combating it.
新的怀疑不是来自时刻紧盯着资本主义崩溃蛛丝马迹的马克思主义者,而是来自决策机制的核心:前美国总统克林顿的财政部长、几乎无时无刻不身为各种首席经济学家的拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)。
The new pessimism comes not from Marxists, who have always looked for telltale signs of capitalism’s collapse, but from the heart of the policymaking establishment: Larry Summers, former US President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury, and chief economist of almost everything at one time or another.
除了政治官员和保安官员以外,来自军事法庭的一名政府专员也抵达现场;贝鲁特军事法庭第一调查法官Rasheed Mezher口头命令我,作为自 # 年 # 月 # 日因公出差的警察总监不在期,负责警务的警官身份,负责进行调查,或者命令任何我认为适当的人进行调查,并且收集有关爆炸案的任何蛛丝马迹,适时向他报告。
In addition to political and security officers, there came to the scene a Government commissioner from the Military Court with some support staff; and Rasheed Mezher, the first investigating judge from the Military Court in Beirut, who orally delegated me, in my capacity as officer in charge of the police during the absence from # ebruary # of the Police Commander on a mission abroad, or whoever I should see fit, to undertake the investigations and anything that could throw light on that explosion and to duly inform him
To address these risks better, selected audit staff will receive additional training in procurement so that they are better able to identify indicators of fraud.
In conjunction with circulars containing lists of the names of persons and entities allegedly linked to terrorism, such reports could contribute to detecting transactions which may be associated with the misappropriation of funds for terrorist activities, either because the recipient of the funds has links to suspicious persons or entities, or because subsequent investigations uncover evidence to that effect.
Where they are vigilant, they are often able to identify the signs of fraudulent schemes (such as inconsistencies or implausibilities that are absent in legitimate transactions) before innocent parties are victimized
“We slowly sifted through the rubble, a shovelful at a time, looking for items that might be clues to the identity of fallen firemen.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of 蛛丝马迹 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.