What does 避重就轻 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 避重就轻 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 避重就轻 in Chinese.

The word 避重就轻 in Chinese means to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 避重就轻

to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial

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古根海姆,马丁,“有时寄养是避重就轻逃避责任的做法”,《纽约时报》 # 年 # 月 # 日。
uggenheim, Martin, “Sometimes Foster Care is the Easy Way Out”, The New York Times # uly
他对 # 年 # 月部长报告的资料来源提出了质疑,并且指出报告中关于人权情况令人关注的说法,是一种避重就轻的说辞。
He questions the sources referred to in the Ministry's report of July # and states that the statement in the report that the situation gives cause for concern is an understatement
But the email row has highlighted some of the reasons people don’t like Clinton: To put it charitably, she’s been evasive in her responses to questions about what was undeniably a reckless act.
Serious engagement, rather than polemics and cherry-picking, is the order of the day.
Text version here [ja].
Maintaining the status quo of the legal system during the post-conflict period, when so much has changed and yet so much remains unchanged for the welfare of women and girls, can be a convenience many post-conflict leaders seek.
They must be coherent and comprehensive, as well as substantive and doable
He questions the sources referred to in the Ministry’s report of July 2000 and states that the statement in the report that the situation gives cause for concern is an understatement.
But it lacks a sense of strategic urgency, which, given rising international tensions across Asia, amounts to a serious strategic blunder.
Similarly, Xi tried to avoid major arguments on human rights, saying simply, “There’s no best, only better.”
Maintaining the status quo of the legal system during the post-conflict period, when so much has changed and yet so much remains unchanged for the welfare of women and girls, can be a convenience many post-conflict leaders seek
This practice has devastating consequences, as it minimizes not only the experiences of the battered victim, but also the negative consequences in respect of a child who may have been a witness to the abuse of the mother by the father.
例如电影导演威廉·德斯蒙德·泰勒(William Desmond Taylor)遭神秘枪杀,随后女演员梅布尔·诺曼德(Mabel Normand)在案件证词中避重就轻、闪烁其辞,她的事业也因此告终。
These included the mysterious shooting death of film director William Desmond Taylor, and the subsequent evasive testimony concerning it by actress Mabel Normand, which helped destroy her career.
There are two lessons learned that we always like to repeat: first, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach, and any attempt to build upon such an approach leads to failure; and second, gaining a deeper understanding of the roots of any conflict is of utmost importance, because it prevents us from following the easier path of patching up a situation and not resolving the fundamental antagonisms in a society, which can have the effect of leaving a wound to fester.
Still others dismiss the change in Chinese exchange-rate policy as beside the point.
The Council must overcome the natural temptation to choose the line of least resistance
Escalation of caste-based violence, including rape, against women and girls and the downplaying by key State officials of the grave criminal nature of sexual violence against women and girls;
我 这 不是 避重就轻 Deb
I'm not copping a plea, Deb.
In addition, according to the author, the Court’s refusal of 28 August 2006 to give suit to her motion for reconsideration was not an impartial one, as demonstrated by the selective nature of its reasoning and analysis.
There are two lessons learned that we always like to repeat: first, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach, and any attempt to build upon such an approach leads to failure; and second, gaining a deeper understanding of the roots of any conflict is of utmost importance, because it prevents us from following the easier path of patching up a situation and not resolving the fundamental antagonisms in a society, which can have the effect of leaving a wound to fester
The Council must overcome the natural temptation to choose the line of least resistance.
In a very peculiar manner, the Armenian side does not shy away from presenting its narrative of historic events by merely copying the language of the letters circulated by Azerbaijan, inverting the accents and contorting real facts.
23. 联合来文6指出,因执法官员过度使用武力而剥夺了生命,在提交法院的极少案例中没有有效进行调查,对罪行避重就轻进行判决是格鲁吉亚的长期未决的问题。
JS6 recommended that the legal provision guaranteeing release of public information should be strictly enforced in respect of all Government bodies.
审计署透过综合评论指出,文化局长期以来在整理书库、保护藏书、定期盘点等最基本的管理工作都全面失误,反映该局人员多年并未全面认识自身的职责,也没有主动处理好工作上的基本事务,如非审计署开展调查,其管理阶层亦对一系列日积月累的问题无知无觉。 今次审计的书库管理、盘点问题等皆持续发生了十年,甚至接近二十年仍没有妥善处理,这并不是事后表面清扫现场或避重就轻地回应一下就可以当作没有发生过的。
In the general comments of the report, CA pointed out that over the years, IC had deficiencies in the most basic management works, such as the processing of books, the preservation of library collections and regular inventory taking, which reflects that its staff lacked a full understanding of their duties, and was not active in dealing with matters in works. If CA had not commenced the audit, the management of IC would have continued to be unaware of these problems that have accumulated for a long term period. The problems of book storage area management and inventory taking have existed for 10 or almost 20 years, which cannot be seen as if nothing happened by superficially cleaning the place up after the audit or by not mentioning the most serious problems.
The latter, on one knee, gave the towel, and the queen wiped her hands.

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.