What does 优惠 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 优惠 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 优惠 in Chinese.

The word 优惠 in Chinese means privilege, preference, preferential. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 优惠



Some receive all kinds of subsidies and preferential tariffs, which transform their products into privileged goods.



Over time, trade preferences have provided better market access conditions to developing countries



A State may deposit at any time a declaration identifying any such preferential right.

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In order to limit costs and prevent abuse, profits totaling more than 10% on top of an employee’s wage would be excluded; the overall amount offered to individual firms would be capped; and safeguards against the substitution of profit sharing for wages, raises, and other benefits would be established.
is a criminal offence. It prescribes as liable to punishment any action by which any individual and any citizen is deprived, restricted, privileged or favoured in relation to the rights stipulated by the Constitution, the laws, other regulations or general acts or ratified international treaties, on the basis of difference in national or ethnic origin, race, religion, political conviction or other convictions, sex, language, education or social position
The EU will continue to watch carefully to ensure that development issues, such as aid for trade, duty-free and quota-free access and measures against preference erosion, are adequately taken into account
Calls for the full, speedy and effective implementation of the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, which should be fully financed through additional resources, encourages the participation in the Initiative of all creditors that have not yet participated, and stresses in that regard the need for the donor community to provide the additional resources necessary to fulfil the future financial requirements of the Initiative, welcomes, therefore, the agreement that financing for heavily indebted poor countries should be reviewed analytically and separately from International Development Association replenishment requirements, but back-to-back with meetings for the fourteenth replenishment of the Association, and calls upon all donors to participate fully in that process
Moreover, such treatment would be consistent with the accepted views within the United Nations regarding the desirability of according more differentiated special treatment to the small island developing States in the context of the upcoming 10-year review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, which explicitly recognizes their vulnerability.
The gross national product should not be used as the sole criterion for graduating a State from concessionary loans, and the vulnerability index, on which Antigua and Barbuda is ranked very high, should be taken into consideration.
One-way preferences include General System of Preferences (GSP) schemes, the Everything but arms (EBA) initiative of EU and those agreed to under successive Lomé accords and Cotonou agreements
Recalling the paragraphs specific to disarmament in the Final Document of the Fourteenth Conference of the Heads of State of Government of the NAM held in Havana, Cuba in September
关于第 # 段,第 # 号共同立场规定,欧盟成员国不得作出新的向伊朗政府提供赠款、财政援助和优惠贷款的承诺,包括不通过所参加的国际金融机构这样做,除非是用于人道主义和发展目的。
Regarding paragraph # ommon Position # stipulates that EU member States shall not enter into new commitments for grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to the Government of Iran, including through their participation in international financial institutions, except for humanitarian and development purposes
Bulgaria shares the view that financial assistance may need to be supplemented by non-financial measures of trade promotion, including the granting of special trade preferences, adjustment of tariffs, allocation of quotas, special commodity purchase agreements and finding new markets (para.44), as well as easing the access of goods from the affected third States to the markets of the industrially developed countries.
Even for countries that enjoyed preferential trading agreements such as those parties to the Cotonou Agreement between the European Union and ACP countries, these stringent standards reduced the value of trade preferences
It is therefore imperative that we be able to continue to access concessionary financing through the World Bank
大会不限成员名额特设工作组对《世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成果》采取后续行动,2010年4月至6月,连续举行6次实质性会议,主题是:(a) 危机对发展中国家债务可持续性的影响;(b) 筹集更多的资源,以减轻危机对最脆弱者的影响;(c) 获得信贷和优惠资金,实行反周期波动政策的财政空间以及目前的全球储备体系;(d) 改进金融调控和监管;(e) 改革国际金融和经济体系,包括发展中国家在布雷顿森林机构的发言权和参与;(f) 加强联合国在全球经济治理中的作用。
The ad hoc open-ended working group of the General Assembly to follow-up on the issues contained in the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development held, from April to June 2010, a series of six substantive meetings on the themes (a) the impact of the crisis on debt sustainability of developing countries; (b) mobilization of additional resources to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the most vulnerable; (c) access to credit and concessionary finance, fiscal space for counter-cyclical policies and the current global reserve system; (d) improved financial regulation and supervision; (e) reform of the international financial and economic system, including voice and participation of developing countries in the Bretton Woods institutions; and (f) strengthening the role of the United Nations in global economic governance.
优惠贸易安排-- 基于国内增值水平或当地含量的原产地规则-- 可引导外国直接投资朝着工业化方向发展并改进跨国公司在受惠国中的贸易竞争力。
Preferential trade arrangements- with rules of origin based on the level of domestic value added or local content- can channel FDI into industrialization and improve the trade competitiveness of TNCs in the preference-receiving countries
· 随时审查增加优惠的重债穷国倡议各项灭贫方案之间的联系。
• Keep under review the link between enhanced HIPC poverty eradication programmes
例如,如果优惠活动要求您在 30 天内花费 200 元,那么您需要先在 30 天内至少累积价值 200 元的点击次数,赠送金额才会显示在您的帐号中。
For example, if the offer says you need to spend $25 within 30 days, you'll need to accrue at least $25 worth of clicks within 30 days before the credit will appear in your account.
Appeals to international creditors as well as to international financial institutions to continue adopting every necessary measure to cut down the debt of OIC Member States, in particular through staggered settlement of debts, deferred amortization, reduced and favourable interest rates or swapping debts for financing various development projects
While asymmetric trade preferences were offered by EU to the countries of South-eastern Europe, the potential of such preferences is not fully utilized
Good relationships with different shipping and railway companies allows the Society to negotiate fare discounts for Germans wishing to travel further west.
Duty-free and quota-free market access for all LDC exports could be a dynamic instrument of development, and a mechanism was needed to address erosion of preferences
Invites donor countries, the United Nations Development Programme and multilateral financial and development institutions to provide landlocked and transit developing countries with appropriate financial and technical assistance in the form of grants or concessional loans for the construction, maintenance and improvement of their transport, storage and other transit-related facilities, including alternative routes and improved communications, to promote subregional, regional and interregional projects and programmes, and, in this regard, to consider, inter alia, improving the availability and optimal use of different transport modes and intermodal efficiency along transport corridors;
根据印度、巴西和南非三方机制第三届部长级会议( # 年 # 月,南非开普敦)的精神,南美洲共同市场和南部非洲关税同盟之间以及南美洲共同市场和印度之间均已缔结优惠贸易协定。
By the third IBSA Ministerial Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa, March # ), preferential trade agreements had been concluded between Mercosur and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and between Mercosur and India
国际货币基金组织的国家援助方案 “优惠结构调整贷款机制”(ESAF)改名为“减少贫穷促进增长贷款机制”。 到2004年7月,总共有40个国家完成了本国的第一份正式减贫战略文件,其中18个国家完成了第一次年度执行进度报告。
Issues relating to the reduction and eradication of poverty, the underlying causes that separated the excluded and poor from those who were integrated and prosperous, in addition to the conditions needed for people to reach their potential in the world of employment, could be separated neither from the need for democratic institutions nor from core issues related to macroeconomic policies and to policies in education, health, the environment and social justice.
It is important that the main objective be the eradication of poverty, and therefore that trade preferences enjoyed by ACP countries under successive Lomé Conventions and under the current Cotonou Agreements not be eroded
The reasons for the existing irregularities, according to the PIP officers, result not only from insufficient funds for renovations (modernizations), but also from the lack of legal solutions encouraging employers to invest in health and safety at work (tax advantages, social insurance credits and lower social insurance premiums), as well as from a lack of knowledge, or sometimes negligence, as regards the regulations for health and safety at work.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.