What does 演進 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 演進 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 演進 in Chinese.

The word 演進 in Chinese means evolution, gradual forward progress. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 演進



gradual forward progress


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西元1883年,Gaston Tissandier最先使用了電動機來推飛船。
On 8 October 1883, Gaston Tissandier flew the first electrically-powered airship.
你 昨天 發表 的 講 成為 會議 的 熱門話題
That talk you gave yesterday was the hit of the conference.
企業的實際工作, 如果在行時能有所創新, 就能真的為公司創造出商業利益, 且能解決現今世界上有意義的問題。
The real work of business, when done with innovation, can actually create core business benefits for the company and it can solve the meaningful problems in our world today.
Although the official age of recruitment into the army had been raised from 16 to 18, some parents still sent their children to the army before the age of 18, as the army offered a way out of poverty and provided a certain social status.
Learn more about shared drives, including requirements & access levels and how to migrate existing content to a shared drive.
America is ahead in space technology.
除了經濟觀點,《經濟學人》在社會議題上也支持自由主義立場,例如支持承認同性婚姻、支持毒品合法化、批評美國稅收制度(英语:Taxation in the United States),並支持在公共衛生問題上行一定程度的政府規管,如公共場所吸菸和兒童體罰。
The news magazine has also supported liberal causes on social issues such as recognition of gay marriages, legalisation of drugs, criticises the US tax model, and seems to support some government regulation on health issues, such as smoking in public, as well as bans on spanking children.
皇上 有旨 , 急召 两位 大人
Where's His Majesty?
For almost 30 years, I’ve been unable to ride trains or buses or be surrounded by people.
你 要 做 的 是 看到 这辆 车 那个 车库 就 打电话 给 我
Okay, I'll give you a call.
你 怎 考 海德堡 ?
How did you get accepted here in Heidelberg?
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The Palestinian people has been deprived of his leadership and guidance, especially at a time when Israeli army incursions, raids and extrajudicial killings have intensified
This claimed to be based on a heavily corrupted manuscript which required numerous conjectures by a scholarly friend of Wolf, who preferred to remain anonymous rather than face reproaches for "dabbling in this sort of literature".
Robert Pepper, a senior managing director, global advanced technology policy, at Cisco Systems, and former FCC chief of policy development, says: "The supporters of net neutrality regulation believe that more rules are necessary.
With what attitude do we present our message, and why?
Those influences "took me to the next level", said Ingram, whose foundation as a player came from his father.
總 之 ,面 對 軍 隊 ,需 要 數 量 龐 大 的 群 眾 , 犯 敵 方 的 隊 伍 ,並與士兵 親 善 。
A massive crowd would be needed to challenge the army, invading its ranks and fraternizing with the soldiers.
謝天 謝地 , 快 請
Come on in.
我們 拿 著槍 去 等 於給 她 們 加氧 失陪 一下
Now, if you'll excuse me...
Seven studies were started, and five of these progressed to baptism, including my wife and son.
If any cardinal elector is by reason of infirmity confined to his room, the Infirmarii go to their rooms with ballot papers and a box.
Kaykhusraw II rejected the proposal of his experienced commanders to wait for the Mongol attack.
继续执行第1519(2003)号决议第2段(a)至(d)概述的任务:(一) 调查违反军火禁运的行为,涵盖通往索马里的海、陆、空路;(二) 详细列明相关专门知识领域内有关违禁行为以及实行和加强执行军火禁运各方面的措施的情报,并提出具体建议;(三) 可能时,在索马里并酌情在索马里的邻国和其他国家进行实地调查;(四) 通过审查国家海关和边境管制制度等方式,评估该区域各国充分执行军火禁运所取得的进展;
To continue the tasks outlined in paragraph 2 (a) to (d) of resolution 1519 (2003): (i) To investigate the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea; (ii) to identify information and make specific recommendations in relevant areas of expertise related to violations and measures to give effect to and strengthen the implementation of the arms embargo in its various aspects; (iii) to carry out field-based investigations in Somalia, where possible, and in States neighbouring Somalia and other States, as appropriate; and (iv) to assess the progress made by the States in the region to implement fully the arms embargo, including through a review of national customs and border control regimes;
During operations in Al-Anbar province, TF88 operatives entered the insurgent-controlled city of Haditha, several times finding Zarqawi's hideouts.

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 演進 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.