What does 细化权限 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 细化权限 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 细化权限 in Chinese.

The word 细化权限 in Chinese means Fine-Grained Permissions. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 细化权限

Fine-Grained Permissions

(A security feature that allows for greater granularity and customization of user permissions.)

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Although the nature of an open framework agreement tends to indicate that the description of the procurement will be framed in functional and broad terms so as to allow refinement to the statement of the procuring entity’s needs at the second stage, it is important that it is not so broad that the open framework agreement becomes little more than a suppliers’ list.
Therefore, the State party’s failure to fulfil its obligations to investigate the complainant’s allegations and to provide him with redress continued after the State party recognized the Committee’s competence under article 22 of the Convention.
在欧洲共同体的权限内,这些措施已随即根据理事会 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 号条例(欧共体)加以实施。
Falling under the competence of the European Community, the measures have subsequently been implemented by Council Regulation (EC) No # of # une
The mandate of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled (MMD) has been expanded to include new policies to safeguard the best interests and protect the rights of all disabled persons, regardless of the cause of their disability
Start by visiting the Security check-up page to do things such as adding account recovery options, setting up 2-step verification for extra account security, and checking your account permissions.
As Minister of Gender and Family, she would do everything in her power to ensure the full implementation of the Committee’s recommendations.
The Committee welcomes the enactment of Decree Law 251/2002 of 22 November 2002 which, inter alia, enlarges the structure and competencies of the Office of the High Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities and establishes the Advisory Board for Immigration Affairs, tasked with ensuring the participation of associations representative of immigrants, employers’ associations and social solidarity institutions in the elaboration of policies promoting social integration and combating exclusion.
With the proper permission in Admin, you can create a library of stored terms and conditions that are available to all projects in your account.
A State or an international organization may not invoke the fact that a reservation has been withdrawn in violation of a provision of the internal law of that State or the rules of that organization regarding competence and the procedure for the withdrawal of reservations for the purpose of invalidating the withdrawal.
加 # 工作组负责制定一个框架,并拟定各项原则,作为新的员工与管理当局机制权限的依据,同时要求该小组与没有出席这次会议的职工会进行协商。
The # orking Group was tasked with developing a framework and delineating the principles which would serve as the basis for the terms of reference for the new staff-management mechanism and requested to consult with those unions who were not present
The Law on Courts of the Republika Srpska still stands in violation of the State-level Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council in that it regulates issues that fall within the competency of the State, as well as infringing on judicial independence.
Throughout its stay in Tokelau, the Mission explained the mandate of the Special Committee and the objectives of the Mission to assess the progress made in the work programme for the decolonization of the territory in the context of the Second Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism (2001-2010).
Control method for lease time authority of toilet appliances and apparatus thereof
此外,《城市发展和建筑法》 # 规定了住房和城市发展司和各市的城乡发展规划权限,规定了获得建筑许可证的条件及遭到拒绝时可用的补救办法。
In addition, the Urban Development and Construction Act # establishes the competence both of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and of the municipalities with respect to urban and rural development planning and sets out the conditions for obtaining building permits and the available remedies in the event of refusal of a building permit
UNMIK is nearing completion of the agreed transfer of competencies in non-reserved areas to the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government based on the Constitutional Framework
YouTube 无法向创作者授予这些权利,也无法帮助您查找和联系能够授予您相关权限的人员/机构。
YouTube cannot grant you these rights and we are unable to assist creators in finding and contacting the parties who may be able to grant them to you.
The enforcement court found that the lack of competence of the arbitral tribunal could not be invoked at the time of the recognition of the arbitral award.
Rapidly accede to (France) / Consider ratifying (Argentina) the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; and accept the competence of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (Argentina);
Nevertheless, effective national courts are also needed.
在 Google 管理控制台中,转到应用 > G Suite > Gmail > 高级设置,然后勾选对所有用户停用 POP 和 IMAP 访问权限对应的复选框。
In the Google Admin console, go to Apps > G Suite > Gmail > Advanced settings, and check the Disable POP and IMAP access for all users box.
It is recognized that while the conditions for admission of aliens into the territory of a State fall under its sovereignty and therefore its exclusive competence, a State may not at will strip them of their right of residence.
According to this law, the competencies for classification of work wages are given to the Assembly, Council of Ministers, ministries, central institutions, local governments units, State enterprise and the other juridical and physical persons, domestic and foreigner
The aforementioned activities are carried out in coordination with the different areas of the Secretariat and the Ministry, bearing in mind the competencies of each agency in regard to the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.
鼓励不结盟运动南南技术合作中心 按照其权限,继续组织不结盟国家训练和能力建设方案,并在这方面进一步鼓励不结盟国家在自愿基础上给该中心提供必要协助,以实现其各类既定目标
Encourage the NAM Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM-CSSTC), consistent with its terms of reference, to continue to organise training and capacity building programmes for Non-Aligned Countries, and in this regard, further encourage them to provide necessary assistance on a voluntary basis to the Centre towards achieving its established goals and objectives
You probably do not have the required permissions to perform that operation

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 细化权限 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.