What does 清高 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 清高 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 清高 in Chinese.

The word 清高 in Chinese means aloof from politics and material pursuits, noble and virtuous. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 清高

aloof from politics and material pursuits

noble and virtuous

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(Matthew 28:19) They are not aloof when dealing with neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates, nor are they antisocial.
? 装 清高 ,? 还 不 一? 样 拖?? 个 小 太 妹 , 哼
Pack self- contained, return different drag along the small too younger sister, hum
這裡 是 Turks and Caicos, 沒人 自命清高.
Look, this is Turks and Caicos, nobody's who they claim to be.
喔 , 你 少 在 那里 清高
Oh, spare me the elitist bullshit.
Moreover, while offering prescriptions for other States, these high-priests of non-proliferation, in disregard of their own security compulsions, are themselves prepared neither to give up their nuclear security umbrellas nor to prohibit the stationing of nuclear weapons on their territories.
其中包括自视清高, 难有同情心, 特权意识, 和需要被尊重和关注。
They include a grandiose view of oneself, problems with empathy, a sense of entitlement, and a need for admiration or attention.
She should not give the impression of feeling self-righteous or superior.
你 認為 你 很 清高 ?
You're so good, huh?
Often you can find a way to leave without appearing self-righteous and inviting ridicule.
(Jer 38:4, 5, 19-23) Furthermore, Jeremiah had no self-righteous attitude but included himself when acknowledging the wickedness of the nation.
6 诗篇执笔者虽是个敬神的人,却绝没有自命清高,他坦然承认自己的缺点。(
6 Although a godly man, the psalmist was by no means self-righteous.
神舟战神ZX7依然拥有Sound Blaster的高清高保真音频解决方案, 在外放音质上没有缩水, 同时还采用了Sabre HiFi, 提供身临其境的声音效果, 无损的音质可以在竞技游戏中提供强大的帮助.
Ares ZX7 Shenzhou has a Sound Blaster HD high definition audio solution, no shrink on the timbre, while using the Sabre HiFi, provide an immersive sound effects, lossless audio quality can provide powerful help in the game.
这些喜欢对别人的行为和动机妄加评论的高尚的评论家从来没有忘记指出:在党内一切幕后派系斗争中,我总参与一份,不论在当时或者事后,都从来没有假装超然清高,而且我也从来没有提出任何的辩解或作任何的忏悔 — — 在这一点上,他们的确没有说谎。
These noble commentators on the doings and motivations of others never fail to point out that I was mixed up in all the factional alley-fights of the party, without any pretensions to non-partisan holiness, then or afterward, and that I have neglected to offer any apologies or make any confessions – and on this point they do not lie.
一个瞎子,还清高什么? 他没有自由,他无法强大,他永恒的失去了光明,却没有一秒钟停止爱她。
He was not a popular man, being somewhat cold and forbidding in his manners, but he had, as far as I know, no active enemies.
当我们在进行上述修持并尝试将佛法落实到日常生活中时,必须认知及接受自身的定位。 我们不该虚伪地故作清高,而应老实面对自己。 天主教徒如何趋近佛法
Further, in doing all these practices and trying to put the Buddhist teachings into our daily lives, we need to recognize and acknowledge the level we're on. It's crucial not to be pretentious or to feel that we must be at a higher level than we are on now.
HD is the development trend of high-density full-color screen display.
By means of their past good deeds the priests were able to understand the Vedas.
AMD is extending its core graphics technology, delivering crystal clear resolution and a stunning and seamless 4K experience across multiple displays to a growing number of markets, including digital casino games, thin clients, medical displays, retail and digital signage, and industrial systems.
“切,你自己假清高去吧,我看你是不够漂亮,人家还看不上你呢 。 ”
“Leave it to us, everything that can be done, is being done, I assure you,” Officer Crew said.
Don’t make them think you’re condescending or judging them, or they’ll be much less likely to open up around you.
That it was war I was engaged in was, for the first time, brought clearly home to me when I saw a fearsome Highlander, with claymore, dirk, and loaded musket, posted at each end of the village.
You don't have to be aloof and she should know that you love her, but try to trick her into thinking that you're not obsessing over marriage right around the time you plan to propose.
Just as your eye sees the full range of shadows to highlights in high-contrast scenes, D-range Priority simultaneously captures two images to produce a single image with Wide Dynamic Range up to 400%, revealing subtleties in shadow and eliminating washout of the bright areas. Enlarge Image
表面上扮的那么清高,原来骨子里风骚成这样 . . .
Almost in the same instant it dropped on to the board with a clatter.
Just as your eyes see the full range of shadows to highlights in high-contrast scenes, DR mode simultaneously captures two images to produce a single image with significantly enhanced dynamic range, revealing subtle details in shadow and eliminating washout of bright areas.

Let's learn Chinese

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.