What does 強度 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 強度 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 強度 in Chinese.

The word 強度 in Chinese means intensity, ultimate tensile strength, strength. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word 強度


noun (quality of being intense)

每個序列是一個數字的編碼, 決定了那個顏色的強度
Each sequence encodes a number that determines the intensity of that particular color.

ultimate tensile strength

noun (greatest tensile engineering stress a material can withstand)



相較於自然界的其他力量, 重力的強度如何呢?
The strength of gravity compared to the other forces of nature?

See more examples

所以 我 不 確定 奸 是不是 有 笑點
So I'm not sure how rape is funny.
Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave.
The Executive Director should undertake measures to create, by the end of 2011, an internal system to monitor the implementation of recommendations made by relevant oversight bodies.
另一个问题是外国技术援助吸收了 # %的官方发展援助。
Another problem is that foreign technical assistance absorbs over # per cent of ODA
The project is executed through a group of scientific and technological institutions in developing countries, selected for their competence and state-of-the-art facilities.
To ensure that great care is taken to avoid subjecting a child victim of violence to further harm through the process of the investigation, including by inviting and giving due weight to the child’s views in accordance with the age and maturity of the child and adopting child-sensitive and gender-sensitive investigation and prosecution practices;
This line of longitude subsequently became the border dividing Western Australia and South Australia.
有 # 名被拘留者未经判决坐了 # 个月的牢,这一段时间显然超过了可以定义为合理期限的长
Eleven detainees remained in prison for # months without judgement, which is clearly more than may be termed a reasonable time
In this letter, I wish to speak not only to consecrated persons, but also to the laity, who share with them the same ideals, spirit and mission.
The reviewers felt that the most common reasons for inadequate reporting might have been the lack of communication between consultants and UNICEF officers, and the lack of foresight (no baseline data, insufficient time and resource allocation or inadequate competence of the investigators in the field under study).
美洲组织在选民登记进程中发挥了领导作用,该进程曾数延长,便利了边远农村地区和太阳城等城市地区的公民登记工作。 该进程已于10月底结束。
The voter registration process, in which OAS played a lead role, was concluded at the end of October, following a number of extensions that facilitated the registration of citizens in remote rural areas and such urban areas as Cité Soleil.
Along with other statutes, the NHPA mandates that projects on federal land or involving federal funds or permits consider the effects of the project on each archaeological site.
It has also proved to be a flexible and resourceful programme in bridging small but critical gaps.
It added that effective judicial procedures were preferable to a human rights institution, but that the matter was under constant review.
The Office of Central Support Services achieved its goals towards client satisfaction, timely recruitment of staff and resource utilization, indicating that the programme was effectively managed within its given resources during the biennium 2006-2007.
The spacecraft also carried two cameras, the High Resolution Imager (HRI), and the Medium Resolution Imager (MRI).
Robert Orr, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Planning (to present the initial findings of the Secretary-General’s report on the impact of the economic crisis on the poor and vulnerable and on a new initiative to improve the availability of real-time data on the impact of the crisis)
They first appear in The Hobbit and play an important role in The Lord of the Rings.
Proposed organizational aspects of the 10-year Review Conference on the Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action (second United Nations conference on landlocked developing countries)
The United Nations Charter embodied a vision for greater social progress, better living conditions and more freedom for all; the Millennium Development Goals represented a response to that vision.
A stronger United Nations voice in development led by a revitalized Economic and Social Council will also contribute to an improved international system.
The Secretary-General's report this year is readable and presents in a very user-friendly manner a broad picture of the various mandated activities of the world body
UNCTs supported by UNDG action learning pilot project (fourth quarter 2009 to first quarter 2010)
Comprises international and national staff and United Nations Volunteers and represents peak numbers from 2004/05 to 2008/09, approved levels for 2009/10 and proposed staffing for 2010/11, including positions funded under general temporary assistance.
Recognizing the spontaneous flow of information towards the production of the report of the Secretary-General on promoting the building of a people-centred, development-oriented and inclusive information society: progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society,

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 強度 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.