What does 配對 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 配對 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 配對 in Chinese.
The word 配對 in Chinese means pair, mate, matchmaking. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 配對
pairverb (To establish a Bluetooth link or connection between two Bluetooth–enabled devices.) |
mateverb (to) mate) |
matchmakingnoun (The process where the ACD finds an agent to connect to.) |
See more examples
斯里兰卡政府重申其对招募和使用儿童的零容忍政策,并重申其对工作组的承诺,为此设立了一个由政府高级官员组成的委员会,对一些安全部队怂恿卡鲁纳派招募和使用儿童的指控进行独立和可信的调查。 The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of children |
这意味着对这类基金的自愿捐款必须指定用于如上文所概述的那种与 # 委员会工作相关的活动。 This means that voluntary contributions to such a Fund must be earmarked for the purposes of activities related to the work of the # ommittee, such as those outlined above |
我 不 太 有把握 字 拼得 对 不 对 I wasn't too sure about the spelling in them. |
它对美国政府不断地且越来越经常地侵犯人权这点有何看法,有何行动? What are the organization's views and what action has it taken with respect to the continuing and increasingly frequent violations of human rights in the United States, which have been denounced even by well known non-governmental organizations, thematic mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights and treaty bodies, such as |
强调导致产前胎儿性别选择和杀害女婴的重男轻女现象,是一种没有充分记载的歧视女童的形式,对整个社会有重大影响,体现为女婴死亡率高和男女两性比例扭曲,并关切地注意到这种做法的不良社会影响包括贩卖人口,并强调这些有害做法中的一些做法与贫穷和欠发达有关,在农村地区尤为如此 Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment |
虽然开放式框架协议的性质往往表明,对采购的说明通常从功能角度以宽泛措辞拟就,以便允许在第二阶段对采购实体需求的说明加以细化,但该说明不应过于宽泛,以至于开放式框架协议与供应商清单没什么区别。 Although the nature of an open framework agreement tends to indicate that the description of the procurement will be framed in functional and broad terms so as to allow refinement to the statement of the procuring entity’s needs at the second stage, it is important that it is not so broad that the open framework agreement becomes little more than a suppliers’ list. |
南弗吉尼亚大学生物系副教授理查·贾纳弟兄表示,他对耶稣基督福音的信心对他有很大的帮助。 Brother Richard Gardner, an associate professor of biology at Southern Virginia University, says that his faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been a big help to him. |
但是,有人强调,该专题还需要对各国立法和司法裁决进行比较性分析。 It had been stressed, however, that the topic also required a comparative analysis of national legislation and judicial decisions. |
委员会建议缔约国重审宪法,并在第6条中增添禁止出于性别和女性等为由的歧视等措辞;颁布并切实贯彻有关性别平等的综合立法,包括根据《公约》第一和二条,禁止对妇女的歧视。 The Committee recommends that the State party revisit its Constitution and to insert the word gender or sex in article 6 as a prohibited ground of discrimination, and to adopt and effectively implement comprehensive legislation on gender equality, including a prohibition of discrimination against women in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. |
已向委员会散发了下列文件:“提高妇女地位国家行动计划”、“ # 年人力资源发展指标手册”、“对妇女的暴力行为”、“ # 年缅甸妇幼福利协会”、“ # 年社会福利、救济及重新安置部”、“缅甸的艾滋病毒/艾滋病/标准预防方案”、“缅甸女性企业家协会”、“缅甸妇女地位”和“缅甸全国防治艾滋病方案”。 The following documents had been distributed to the Committee: “National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women”; “Handbook on Human Resources Development Indicators # ”; “Violence against Women”; “Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association # ”; “Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement # ”; “HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention Programme in Myanmar”; “Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association”; “Status of Women in Myanmar”; and “National AIDS Programme in Myanmar” |
该国政府进一步提到,作为联合国会员国,哥斯达黎加尊重国际法,主张国际贸易自由,并赞同只能在联合国或世贸组织的框架内,根据国际法对这一自由进行限制。 The Government further mentioned that, as a State Member of the United Nations, it respected international law, favoured the freedom of international trade and would endorse a limitation to such freedom only if it were imposed in accordance with international law and within the framework of the United Nations or the World Trade Organization. |
截至2013年10月18日的消除对妇女歧视委员会成员 Assessment of the procedure on follow-up to concluding observations |
ebabeche先生(阿尔及利亚)怀疑,当前对联合国采购工作的改革可能是对石油换粮食丑闻做出的反应,并指出,管理石油换粮食方案的是安全理事会,而不是大会。 Mr. Debabeche (Algeria) wondered whether the ongoing reform of procurement at the United Nations had been initiated in response to the oil-for-food scandal, and pointed out that the oil-for-food programme had been managed by the Security Council and not the General Assembly |
国际社会还应持续增加对最不发达国家基础设施、生产能力和服务领域的投资,努力帮助这些国家改变其严重依赖商品生产和出口的经济结构。 The international community should also continuously scale up investment in the least developed countries in the areas of infrastructure, productivity and services, and endeavour to help them to restructure their economies, which were too dependent on production of commodities. |
包括对健康、安全、舒适和营养至关重要的所有设施。 Contains all facilities essential for health, security, comfort and nutrition. |
在审查所涉期间,收到了奥地利政府5,000欧元的捐款,委员会似宜对此表示感谢。 In the period under review, a contribution in the amount of euro 5,000 has been made by the Government of Austria, to whom the Commission may wish to express its appreciation. |
在菲律宾,耶和华的仆人有很多机会证明自己对上帝忠贞不二。 There have been numerous opportunities for Jehovah’s servants in the Philippines to demonstrate this. |
工作人员发展方案的改进包括为女性高级领导人员实行的一个新方案;以有效的管理和部门为模型的新组织发展工具;促进对道德操守、正直、透明度和问责的意义的共同认识的方案。 Enhancements to staff development programmes, including the introduction of a new programme for senior women leaders; new organizational development tools that model effective management and departments; and a programme to foster a shared understanding of the meaning of ethics, integrity, transparency and accountability. |
除了在王国聚会所享受愉快交往之外,你也能够看出若要对上帝和他的儿子养成信心,何以参加聚会是如此重要。 Add to that the fine association you’ll enjoy there, and you can easily see why regular meeting attendance is so vital to the feeding of your faith in God and his Son. |
一种防止安全协议第一条消息被伪造的方法,该方法包括:发起者利用消息完整性码或消息鉴别码计算函数对成对主密钥和第一条消息将要发送的变量参数进行计算,然后向响应者发送第一条消息,所述第一条消息包括:非变量参数、变量参数和计算的消息完整性码或消息鉴别码;所述发起者和响应者能够预共享一个私有信息成对主密钥且拥有相同的主密钥标识,发起者和响应者支持相同的消息完整性码或消息鉴别码计算函数;响应者依据所述第一条消息中的非变量参数、变量参数和计算的消息完整性码或消息鉴别码验证第一条消息的合法性。 The forgery attack of the first message in the security protocol is prevented effectively using the method for preventing a first message of a security protocol from being forged in the present invention. |
集体谈判对农业工人至关重要,因为在农村地区,对法律的知晓度往往较低,而且执法往往不力,还因为劳动法在工作时间、加班费和休假这些问题上常将农业部门和其他部门区别对待。 Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave. |
問她 什麼 地方 不對 了, 她 就 挑起 爭 鬥. 你 和 她 共事 Ask her what' s wrong, she picks a fight |
又谴责对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国文化遗产的损坏和摧毁,以及有组织的洗劫和贩运其文化财产的行为, Condemning also the damage to and destruction of the cultural heritage of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as the organized looting and trafficking of its cultural property, |
通过一系列的情况介绍以及在认为相关和可行的情形下把两性平等概念纳入产出之中,继续使决策者了解和能够接触到经济改革对性别不平等问题的影响方面的研究结果和建议。 The policy makers’ awareness of and access to research findings and recommendations on the effect of economic reforms on gender inequality was continued through a series of presentations and by incorporating the gender dimension into those outputs where it was considered to be relevant and feasible. |
在注意到致力于通过签订条约的方式接受土著人民对传统土地的权利的同时,瑞士建议新西兰继续努力全面解决土地索赔问题。 While noting efforts made to accept the rights of indigenous people on traditional lands by concluding treaties, Switzerland recommended that New Zealand pursue its efforts to comprehensively settle land claims. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.