What does 迷路 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 迷路 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 迷路 in Chinese.
The word 迷路 in Chinese means get lost, stray, wander. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 迷路
get lostverb (become lost) 她完全沒有方向感,很容易便會迷路。 She gets lost really easily. She's got no sense of direction. |
strayverb (lose one’s way) 为什么说,不只是长老才有责任关心迷路的羊? Why would you say that concern for a sheep who has strayed is not limited to the elders? |
wanderverb 想想看,绵羊迷路后,流落异地, 日夜漂泊,甚至可能成为狮子追踪的猎物。( The sheep may have wandered for days and nights through unfamiliar territory, perhaps even being exposed to the threat of stalking lions. |
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她总是迷路。 She is constantly getting lost. |
我 一定 要 找到 我 爱 的 天使 , 她 迷路 了 I have to find my beloved angel who's lost her way. |
还是会先把九十九只羊带到安全的地方,然后去找那只迷路的羊呢? Or would he leave the 99 sheep in a safe place and go looking for just the one? |
7月14日,一名据说因迷路而进入几内亚领土的科特迪瓦武装分子被射杀,在此事件后,几内亚武装部队沿着与利比里亚接壤的边界部署了大量兵力。 Guinean armed forces are deployed in strength along the border with Liberia, following an incident on 14 July in which an armed element from Côte d’Ivoire who had reportedly strayed into Guinean territory was shot dead. |
我在树林里迷路了。 I lost my way in the woods. |
我 迷路 了 , 那里 有个 公主 There were... |
但 我 迷路 了 。 But I got lost along the way. |
我 也 觉得 奇怪 , 还 以为 他 迷路 呢 I thought that eagle lost It's way. |
我去他郊外找他的时候, 他就会教我猎鹿之类的事, 对我来说基本上就是带着一把猎枪迷路。 (笑声) 还有钓鳟鱼、等等。 And when I would go up to the country, he would teach me things like deer hunting, which meant getting lost with a gun basically -- (Laughter) and trout fishing and stuff like that. |
步道上有几处标记,是露天的,行者极难迷路,步道沿途拥有大而清晰的绿色标志。 The trail has few markings, but is wide and difficult to lose, and there are large, green signs clearly marking all junctions along the way. |
因为他迷路了。 It's because he got lost. |
告诉 他 我们 也 迷路 了 我们 需要 食物, 他们 需要 水 We need food, they need water. |
。 退出 凝视 和 迷路 。 Quit staring and get lost. |
我覺 得 她 是 迷路 了 I think she was lost. |
你 是不是 迷路 了 ? Not lost, are you, my dear? |
你們 倆 迷路 了 嗎? Are you two lost? |
偶尔 会 有 迷路 的 人 闯入 我 的 梦 中 Occasionally, some disoriented people appear in my dreams |
也许 我们 现在 是 有点 迷路 Well, maybe we are a little lost right now. |
他 走 錯 了 路 , 迷路 了 。 He's gone astray, got lost. |
我 还是 迷路 与 我 的 房间 和 厨房 。 I'm still getting lost between my room and the kitchen. |
但 如果 要 去 那 我们 可能 会 迷路 But if we go there, we're gonna get lost. |
请原谅 对不起 我 迷路 了 Excuse me. |
你 一定 是 迷路 的 林肯 You must be the missing " link-oln. " |
他可能迷路了。 He may have lost his way. |
我们 发现 他们 的 状态 像 迷路 的 孩子 We find them wandering like lost children. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.