What does 滿山遍野 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 滿山遍野 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 滿山遍野 in Chinese.

The word 滿山遍野 in Chinese means covering the whole land, over hills and dales. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 滿山遍野

covering the whole land

over hills and dales

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If any of the officers of the Committee ceases to serve or declares inability to continue serving as a member of the Committee or for any reason is no longer able to act as an officer, a new officer from the same region shall be elected for the unexpired term of her or his predecessor.
Although the official age of recruitment into the army had been raised from 16 to 18, some parents still sent their children to the army before the age of 18, as the army offered a way out of poverty and provided a certain social status.
In the summer of the same year, Olympias gave birth to her first child, Alexander.
Staff reassigned to an administrative place of assignment for service in a non‐family duty station within one year of implementation of the decision by the General Assembly will initially receive the SOLA applicable to the administrative place of assignment at the time of implementation of the new scheme.
So let me take you on a little journey of many of the things I don't understand.
Christians, breathing clean spiritual air on the elevated mountain of Jehovah’s pure worship, resist this inclination.
斯里兰卡目前仅有数百名罗兴亚难民,其中多数是在2012 年的缅甸骚乱之后,乘船或搭机来到斯里兰卡;其余的则是在去年五月,由斯里兰卡海军在该国北海岸救起,留置于联合国在拉维尼亚的庇护所,等待重新安置。
Only a few hundred Rohingya refugees currently stay in Sri Lanka and the majority came to Sri Lanka by boat and air following the disturbances in Myanmar in 2012.
We also acknowledge that reaching a new legally binding agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on further strategic arms reductions and limitations to replace the START Treaty expiring in December 2009 will be a vital contribution to this endeavour.
In it we made clear that the British Armed Forces would continue to recruit from age 16 but included a clear commitment to take all feasible measures to ensure those who had not yet reached the age of 18 did not take part in hostilities.
Health Houses provide monitoring of the health of mothers and infant children up to one year of age
whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2012
竞聘结果将予以公布,并提供给所有有关候选人,无论他们的种族、性别、宗教或种族背景如何,唯一的条件是他们必须是罗马尼亚公民并且年 # 岁或以上。
The contest is publicly announced, open to all interested candidates, regardless of race, gender, religion or ethnic background, the only conditions being the Romanian citizenship and the age of # or over
这里的“巴力黑门”也许是指黑门附近的一个市镇或地方,但也可能是指黑门山区。( 见黑门)
While it may refer to a town or place near Mount Hermon, it may likewise be a designation for the mountainous region of Hermon. —See HERMON.
First, he directed them to cultivate and care for their earthly home and eventually fill it with their offspring.
除须符合以下第 # 和 # 款的规定外,前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭法官停止任职且年龄已 # 岁者,可按月领受退休养恤金,但须符合下列条件
A judge of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia who has ceased to hold office and who has reached the age of # shall be entitled during the remainder of his or her life, subject to paragraphs # and # below, to a retirement pension, payable monthly, provided that he or she has
In order to further reinforce children’s opportunities to gain redress, the statute of limitations for certain sexual crimes against minors has been extended, in that it does not begin tolling until the date the child turns 18 or would have turned 18.
The objective was not simply to have a head full of facts but to help each family member to live in such a way as to manifest love for Jehovah and his Word. —Deuteronomy 11:18, 19, 22, 23.
游戏导演鸟求(Motomu Toriyama)希望游戏的音乐比最终幻想XIII中更具多样性,并且具有更多的风格。
The game's director, Motomu Toriyama, wanted the game's soundtrack to have more variety than that of the music in Final Fantasy XIII, as well as feature more styles.
JS3 added that institutions of remedial education, as required under the Penal Code for children below 16 years, were non-existent.
He wrote that while viewing the whole of a mountain, the distance on the instrument was long, but while viewing a small part of the mountainside the distance was short due to the device's cross piece that had to be pushed further away from the observer's eye, with the graduation starting on the further end.
Yes, upon commencing employment under an appointment for more than 6 months or upon completing 6 months of continuous service, when the staff member’s service is expected by the Secretary-General to continue for at least 3 months upon return from paternity leave
信心 可以 移動 一座 , 但 卻 沒 有 考慮 他們 檔 在 面前
Faith moves mountains, it doesn't take them.
This applied particularly to UNCTAD’s intergovernmental machinery, which would be 12 years old by the time of UNCTAD XII, whereas UNCTAD’s mandates were renewed every four years.
Most scholars think the jars are mortuary urns left behind by an unknown civilization.
As a percentage of the number of children who reached the age of 1 year in the year under review

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.