What does 解压缩程序 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 解压缩程序 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 解压缩程序 in Chinese.

The word 解压缩程序 in Chinese means decompressor. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 解压缩程序


noun (A module or algorithm that decompresses data.)

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这份报告发挥了有效的规划和监测机制的作用。 随着清理结束程序在总部推进,这些报告定期更新,直到剩余的任务完成为止。
Those reports, which serve as good planning and monitoring mechanisms, are updated periodically as the liquidation process progresses at Headquarters until the residual tasks are completed
Latvia, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and Tunisia mentioned rules from their penal codes and codes of criminal procedures relating to the crimes and to the procedure of the extradition, as well as the cases when the extradition should be accepted or refused and providing who is the competent authority to make such decisions.
Both cheeses showed a similar evolution in the levels of proteolysis and lipolysis with no flavour defects being detected.
Improved organizational and procedural aspects of meetings servicing as well as enhanced substantive and technical secretariat support to the Member States and other participants at the mandated meetings
In addition to these trial proceedings, Trial Chamber # has taken advantage of the judicial recess and gaps in courtroom schedules by holding initial appearances, including the first case of contempt pending before the Tribunal
The Working Group used the urgent action procedure for 65 of these cases, which allegedly occurred within the three months preceding the receipt of the report by the Working Group.
The hard work of the overseer is appreciated by the members of the Committee, which will continue to work towards filling the vacancies in the overseer team as provided for in paragraph 1 of the Committee’s procedures (S/1995/636).
They were arrested by the authorities (generally the intelligence services) of their country of residence, in most cases Pakistan, but also the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and Iraq, and handed over to the CIA without any procedure contemplated by law.
Independent experts, such as the special procedures mandate-holders, have expressed their views on the relationship between human rights and the fight against terrorism on several occasions
在第107段中,审计委员会建议妇女署力争在执行周期开始之前完成年度工作计划核准程序。 妇女署同意这一建议。
In paragraph 107, UN-Women agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it strive to complete the annual workplan approval process before the start of the performance cycle.
Reiterates that the objective of the simplification and harmonization of business practices within the United Nations development system is to harmonize and simplify rules and procedures wherever this can lead to significant cost savings and/or a reduction in the administrative and procedural burden on the organizations of the United Nations development system and national partners, bearing in mind the special circumstances of programme countries, and to enhance the efficiency, accountability and transparency of the United Nations development system;
审计委员会在报告第97段中,建议行政当局:(a) 紧急调查其报告中提到的180个事例,并收回超付包机商的费用(如有应收回款);(b) 紧急拟订标准作业程序,以定期分析电子月度航空飞行报告所载数据,并在放款之前核查包机商提交的发票。
In paragraph 97 of its report, the Board recommended that the Administration urgently: (a) investigate the 180 instances cited in its report and effect recoveries, if due, from the contractors; and (b) develop a standard operating procedure for periodic data analysis of the electronic monthly aviation reports and for verification of invoices received from the air charters before releasing payments.
因此,政党领导人决定于 # 月 # 日在希罗基布里耶格开会,集中讨论警务改革,把关于宪政改革程序或范围的讨论推迟到《稳定与结盟协定》签署之后。
The party leaders therefore decided at a meeting in Siroki Brijeg on # ebruary to concentrate on police reform and to postpone any discussions on the process or scope of constitutional reform until after the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement
A process is under way to fully computerize the TIR procedure through an interface between national Customs transit systems
The management also informed that formal reports had not been created as a result of the review of backup and restore procedures plus off-site storage procedures.
The Penal Code and CCPC have explicit provisions for child-friendly procedures on cases involving children that require protection of privacy and adult accompaniment during trials
Although the Council for Human Rights had no formal complaints procedure, representatives of non-governmental organizations who sat on the Council could sometimes propose solutions to individual problems based on their own experiences of judicial proceedings
Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general reasonably effective.
The flexibility allowed by the Panel is critical, particularly for developing countries with insufficient human and financial resources for swift yet effective implementation of their SPS procedures.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Statute, the Court forms annually a Chamber of Summary Procedure, which is constituted as follows:
No criterion or procedure shall be used that has not been set out in accordance with this provision.
The Commission heard that the provisions would include both general conditions for the use of framework agreements and procedures for each type, but that the conditions for use and some other aspects remained outstanding
The Islamic Republic of Iran issued a standing invitation to all thematic special procedure mandate holders in June 2002.
按照既定程序,这些修正案将在 # 年 # 月 # 日对这两项公约的缔约国生效。
In accordance with established procedures, those amendments will come into force for the parties to the Conventions on # arch
Staff members were grouped in thematic teams, which presented topics related to evaluation and planning tools and internal working procedures

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.