What does 假冒 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 假冒 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 假冒 in Chinese.

The word 假冒 in Chinese means counterfeit, sham, feign. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 假冒


noun (intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine)

Other Internet pharmacies operate illegally, selling medications without prescriptions and using unapproved or counterfeit products.


adjective verb noun



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在联科行动,1名工作人员假冒高级管理人员签名,向财务科提交直接支出请求文件,获得预付现金18 500美元;
At UNOCI, a staff member forged the signatures of senior managers and presented direct expenditure request documents to the Finance Section for a cash advance of $18,500;
Note his remarks with regard to their scrupulous efforts to pay tithes: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
Moreover, it is a crime that often takes on a transnational dimension as counterfeit goods are smuggled across national borders
Report someone who is pretending to be me.
The fight against violations of property rights, in particular, piracy and counterfeit, has been strengthened in recent years.
The Team continues to applaud ongoing efforts to alleviate both problems, first, by increasing national monitoring and inspection mechanisms along borders, second, by confiscating (and reporting) any travel document that is found to be lost, stolen or fraudulent, and, third, through tightening controls on travel documents (including by issuing modernized documents utilising biometric standards) and heightening information-sharing regarding such documents.
10 假冒为善的犹太教士找寻机会捉拿耶稣,但耶稣巧妙地回答了他们所提出的几个奸狡问题,使他们在群众面前不知所措。
10 The hypocritical Jewish clergy seek an occasion to seize Jesus, but he answers a number of their catch questions and confounds them before the people.
Sets out to fabricate a fictitious instrument or other written document that should be issued by an official department.
During the first reading of the draft text, at the second session of the Ad Hoc Committee, Zambia proposed that this subparagraph read as follows: “To exchange information with other States Parties concerning specific means and methods used to commit crimes covered by this Convention, including the use of false identities, forged, altered or false documents, other means of hiding activities concerning the crimes and to provide necessary items or quantities of substances for analytical or investigative purposes.”
通过以下两项重要措施加强了电子邮件的业务:(a) 自动更新所有台式电脑的反病毒软件,可快速确定和去除病毒;(b) 安装了反垃圾邮件的筛检设施,可去除大多数未经索取而发来的和假冒的电子邮件。
The e-mail operation has been strengthened through two critical measures: (a) automated updates of the anti-virus software to all desktop computers, allowing the quick identification and removal of viruses; and (b) an anti-spam filtering facility, which removes most unsolicited and spurious incoming e-mail.
Phishing/whaling is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords and account numbers, or to acquire control over a user account in your domain.
A new draft law which should enable counterfeiting and piracy of literary and artistic works to be combated more effectively has been submitted to the National Assembly.
Measures for combating counterfeit medicines so far have included support to under-resourced drug regulatory authorities; simple, easily interpretable and cheap markers of authenticity such as barcoding; transnational surveillance for fake and substandard drugs; and education of patients, healthcare workers, and pharmacists.
One of the most obvious signs of systemic cheating is that many Chinese officials use fake or dubiously acquired academic credentials to burnish their resumes.
Flows originating in organized crime activities – drugs, counterfeit goods and currency, human trafficking, illegal arms trade, smuggling and racketeering - amount to 33 per cent, and flows originating in illegal commercial activities -mispricing for tax evasion, abuses of transfer pricing, and commercial fraud- to 64 per cent.
假冒是在未經授權的情況下使用電子郵件,這種情形十分常見,因此部分電子郵件伺服器會要求設定 DKIM,以免電子郵件遭到假冒
Spoofing is a common unauthorized use of email, so some email servers require DKIM to prevent email spoofing.
Moreover, hazardous waste generators and other environmental wrongdoers are increasingly using intermediaries and dummy corporations to shield their involvement in illegal disposal operations”
Perpetrators of economic fraud impersonated public officials to obtain information or as part of a fraud employing a false claim to recover the proceeds of a previous fraud.
This new passport will offer additional protections against forgery and misuse.
Encourages Member States to share, in accordance with their domestic laws and practices, with the private sector information in their national databases related to fraudulent, counterfeit, stolen and lost identity or travel documents pertaining to their own jurisdictions, and, if a listed party is found to be using a false identity including to secure credit or fraudulent travel documents, to provide the Committee with information in this regard;
Regarding fraudulent medicines it was noted that the issue involved primarily sanitary and public health aspects and therefore the appropriate international forum to discuss this topic was the World Health Organization, in particular its member States mechanism on substandard/spurious/falsely labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products.
d) 与其他缔约国酌情交换关于为实施本公约所涵盖的犯罪而采用具体手段和方法的资料,包括利用虚假身份、经变造、伪造或者假冒的证件和掩饰活动的其他手段的资料
d) To exchange, where appropriate, information with other States Parties concerning specific means and methods used to commit offences covered by this Convention, including the use of false identities, forged, altered or false documents and other means of concealing activities
f) 假冒侵权行为的辩护和补救
f) Defences and remedies under the tort of passing off
Substandard, spurious , falsely labelled, falsified and counterfeit medical products continue to threaten health, not only because they do not provide the benefits they advertise, but because they also pose a serious health risk, and undermine the credibility of health systems.
This may help to limit fraudulent attempts to sell fake “clearance” certificates.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.