What does 代糖 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 代糖 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 代糖 in Chinese.
The word 代糖 in Chinese means sugar substitute. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 代糖
sugar substitutenoun |
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i) 一个国际工业联合会汇报说,该组织已在若干发展中国家内组织了讲习班以便就氯代--碱工业内使用汞晶胞的问题提高认识并交流有关最佳技术和最佳做法的信息 i) One international industry association reported that it had held workshops in several developing countries to raise awareness and exchange information on best available techniques and best practices with regard to the use of mercury cells in the chlor-alkali industry |
• 两个仍在审议的案件:关于Upland棉花的补贴(巴西提出的控诉);和欧盟:关于糖的出口补贴(巴西、泰国和澳大利亚提出的控诉)。 • Two ongoing cases: United States: Subsidies on Upland Cotton (complaint by Brazil); and EU: Export Subsidies on Sugar (complaint by Brazil, Thailand and Australia |
在南非種族隔離時代結束前,蘇利文原則被曾在南非營運的超過125間美國公司採納。 Before the end of South Africa's apartheid era, the principles were formally adopted by more than 125 US corporations that had operations in South Africa. |
各代人之间使用互联网这一传媒的情况是有差别的。 The use of the media and of the Internet was different between generations. |
我把搜寻这些小行星 看作一项大型公众项目, 没有修建快速通道, 恰恰相反,我们在绘制外太空图, 建立一个能延传几代人的资料库。 I think of the search for these asteroids as a giant public works project, but instead of building a highway, we're charting outer space, building an archive that will last for generations. |
支持者認為,智能设计論挑戰現代科學固有的方法论自然主义(methodological naturalism),但同時承認他們尚未提出任何具備科学性的理论。 It is asserted that ID challenges the methodological naturalism inherent in modern science though proponents concede that they have yet to produce a scientific theory. |
克罗地亚于九十年代后半期在政府设立的国家人权教育委员会主持下制定了国家人权教育综合方案。 Croatia has a comprehensive national human rights education programme which was developed in the second half of the 1990s under the auspices of the National Human Rights Education Committee established by the Government. |
又鼓励会员国提供社会保护协助及投资于跨代设施,实施针对年轻人和老年人的志愿方案以及辅导和工作共享方案,以此支持社会融合和代际团结; Encourages Member States to support social integration and intergenerational solidarity through the provision of social protection assistance and investments in cross-generational facilities, volunteering programmes for youth and older persons and mentoring and job-sharing programmes; |
可以将其看作是遥感数据第二代应用的一部分,在这种应用中,并不能通过数据图像直接看到目标。 It could be understood as part of a second-generation application of remotely sensed data where the target could not be seen directly with satellite images. |
他们发现百分之百 沒有吃棉花糖的小孩全部都很成功。 And they found that 100 percent of the children that had not eaten the marshmallow were successful. |
在《观念I》(《纯粹现象学通论》,1913)中,胡塞尔引入了“诺耶思”(noesis)和“诺耶玛”来代指所有意向行为(如察觉、判断、回忆等行为)结构中的相关要素(参见意向性): “对应于实项(reelle)思想内容(noetic content)的各种材料,是一系列可以显现在实在纯粹(wirklicher reiner)直观中、相应的‘所思内容’(noematic content)或简称为‘诺耶玛’中的材料,我们之后将一直使用‘诺耶玛’一词。 In Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology (1913), Husserl introduced the terms "noema" and "noesis" to designate correlated elements of the structure of any intentional act — for example, an act of perceiving, or judging, or remembering: "Corresponding to all points to the manifold data of the real (reelle) noetic content, there is a variety of data displayable in really pure (wirklicher reiner) intuition, and in a correlative 'noematic content,' or briefly 'noema' — terms which we shall henceforth be continually using." |
全世界性的艾滋病毒/艾滋病大流行病和诸如疟疾与结核病等其他传染病对健康的持续、相关挑战,威胁着使数代人梦碎和新世纪的希望破灭。 The worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the continued, associated health challenges of other infectious diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, threaten to rob multiple generations of the promise and hope of a new century. |
你 怎麼 認為 , 哈代 ? What do you think, Hardy? |
联合国秘书长可派一名秘书处成员代他参加这些会议。 The Secretary-General of the United Nations may designate a member of the secretariat to act in his/her place at these meetings. |
议会议长Abdul Hamid在3月14日获委任为代总统。 In his absence, Parliamentary Speaker Abdul Hamid was appointed as acting president on 14 March. |
年根据该方案提议的具体活动包括提供政策援助、建立关于甲基溴代用品和淘汰可能性的意识,以及提供在线培训材料。 The specific activities proposed under the CAP for # included providing policy assistance, building awareness of methyl bromide alternatives and phase-out possibilities, and providing online training materials |
道路是不平坦的,但必须奋斗到底以便开展合作和确保未来几代人有一个繁荣的新千年。 The road would not be easy; however, every effort should be made to promote cooperation and ensure that future generations enjoyed a prosperous new millennium |
在代尔拜拉赫营地建造一处压力总管和一个污水处理和排水系统第一阶段的项目于1999年中告一段落。 Projects for the construction of a pressure main and phase I of a sewerage and drainage system at Deir el-Balah camp were completed in mid-1999. |
这是它们为了今后几代人和历史而必须不惜一切代价维护的珍宝。 This is a treasure they must safeguard at all costs, for the sake of future generations and of history |
現代的一些德語的廣告,包括Nokia, 雷弗超市, 漢堡王,Merkur銀行(英语:Merkur Bank)的廣告,在使用俗語Jedem das Seine或Jedem den Seinenhave後,都因爭議而遭到破壞。 Several modern advertising campaigns in the German language, including ads for Nokia, REWE grocery stores, Burger King, and Merkur Bank, have been marred by controversy after using the phrase Jedem das Seine or Jedem den Seinen. |
尤其是在巨头鲸的鲸脂中,多溴联苯的含量达17微克/千克脂肪,表明食物中存在六溴代二苯。 Especially the level of PBBs in pilot whale blubber of up to 17 μg/kg lipid indicate the presence of hexabromobiphenyl in food.. |
但是,因为六溴代二苯的逐步减少在很久以前就已经发生,所以预计六溴代二苯产品的全球禁止不会产生重大费用。 As the phase out of HBB however, has taken place long ago already, significant costs from a global ban of the product would not be expected. |
在晚年,拉格斐意識到其中一個自己少年時代的志向—成為一名專業的漫畫家,從2013年起,他的政治漫畫定期會於德國報章《法蘭克福匯報》上定期發表 。 Late in life, Lagerfeld realized one of his boyhood ambitions by becoming a professional caricaturist – from 2013, his political cartoons were regularly published in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. |
索赔人说,在1991年1月15日至3月2日的军事行动期间,朱代伊代阿拉尔口岸人员撤离,因此发生了一些小的不动产损坏,所需修缮费用为75,600里亚尔。 The Claimant asserts that minor real property damage, requiring repairs in the amount of SAR 75,600, occurred at the Judaida Ar’ar customs post when the post was evacuated during the period of military operations from 15 January to 2 March 1991. |
下面是前述網頁加入轉換追蹤代碼後的模樣 (僅供參考,這串程式碼無法在您的網站上運作): Here's the same webpage after the conversion tracking tag has been added (sample only—this code won't work on your website): |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.