What does 乘車 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 乘車 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 乘車 in Chinese.
The word 乘車 in Chinese means riding, to drive, to motor. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 乘車
ridingnoun verb 先生 需要 乘車 嗎? Sir, do you need a ride? |
to driveverb |
to motorverb |
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新闻部通过全球教学项目和相关网络校车网站开发出了新的让人了解联合国的创新方法。 利用联合国开发计划署千年运动的供资,网络校车推出了千年发展目标青年网站。 Through its Global Teaching and Learning project and accompanying CyberSchoolBus website, the Department has developed new and innovative approaches to learning about the United Nations. |
他 和 你 一起 去 租 那輛 該 死 的 車了 沒 ? Did he rent the fucking car with you? |
据盖迪自己说,他保留了一支175人的私人民兵,装备了4辆“技术车”,但不清楚他原先的卫士现在由谁指挥。 According to Gedi himself, he has retained a personal militia of 175, which is equipped with four “technicals”, and it remains unclear under whose authority his former bodyguards now operate. |
洗車 , 來 把 你 的 車洗 了 Come get your car washed. |
4月28日,在紧邻通布图的地带发现了协调会的4辆车。 On 28 April, four Coordination vehicles were observed in the close vicinity of Timbuktu. |
那次 围捕 运 油车 的 情报 你 从 哪 得到 的 ? Who tipped you off about the diesel trucks? |
车灯、挡风玻璃雨刮、喇叭、安全带和窗户,这一切是否操作正常? Do the lights, wipers, horn, seat belts, and windows work? |
她 在 新潮 区 招呼 我 的 车 No, she hailed me at the meatpacking district. |
有差不多30年的时间,我不敢乘搭火车或公共汽车,又不敢走进人群当中。 For almost 30 years, I’ve been unable to ride trains or buses or be surrounded by people. |
给 九号 车 的 两副 租用 棺材 都 拿 好 了 You have the 2 rental coffins? |
你 要 做 的 是 看到 这辆 车进 那个 车库 就 打电话 给 我 Okay, I'll give you a call. |
所需资源总数增加额由于以下原因被部分抵消:注销44辆车,因此备件和责任保险所需资源减少。 The overall increased requirements are partly offset by the lower requirement for spare parts and liability insurance owing to the write-off of 44 vehicles. |
6月30日15:58时,约150人从黎巴嫩边境那边向以色列这边费特马门南附近停着的一辆民用车投掷石块。 30 June — At 1558 hours some 150 people on the Lebanese side of the border threw stones at a civilian car parked on the Israeli side of the border near the Phatma Gate. |
例如 # 年 # 月 # 日夜间,一名军火商充当青年党同提出要销售一车由过渡联邦政府发现的青年党军火匿藏地的武器和弹药的过渡联邦政府军事指挥官之间的中间人。 For example, on # ovember # at night, an arms trader acted as an intermediary between the Shabaab and Transitional Federal Government military commanders offering to sell a truckload of weapons and ammunition from Shabaab arms caches uncovered by the Transitional Federal Government |
你 是否 曾經 飛行物 在 游樂園 的 購物車? Have you ever been to the Flyers carts at the amusement park? |
摩纳哥公国贯彻执行给予发展中国家援助和国际合作的积极措施,例如最近向塞内加尔提供了四辆公共汽车、一辆真空油罐车和一辆加油车。 For example, four buses, a vacuum tanker and a tanker lorry were recently offered to Senegal. |
你 的 火車 還有 10 分鐘 就 開 了 Your train leaves in 10 minutes. |
也就是说 出现造成 X 人死亡的攻击的概率 在类似伊朗这样的国家 它等于一个常量,乘以攻击的规模 的负Alpha次方 What we're saying here is the probability of an attack killing X number of people in a country like Iraq is equal to a constant, times the size of that attack, raised to the power of negative alpha. |
再過 一小 時 打電話 叫 救護車 In one hour, call an ambulance. |
她 不 需要 搭火車 她 有 一 對 會 飛 的 翅膀 ♪ She don't need bling-bling She got a set of wings |
你 的 車子 放在 車道 Your car in the driveway. |
地下狂飙2提供了与极品飞车:地下狂飙相似的车辆供玩家购买、改装,大部分为日本车,加以一些欧美车。 As in Need for Speed: Underground, Underground 2 continues to offer similar vehicles for purchase and modification, most of which consist of Japanese models, with some European and American models. |
除了 你们 旧 房子 的 车 你 爸 还有 没有 藏 东西 的 地点 ? Beside his car in your old house, does your father have any other hiding places? |
甚至 出租 車 司机 也 不肯 讓 我 搭車 。 胡說 八道 。 I can't even get picked up by a taxi driver. |
基本編組的第4及第5號車是頭等車廂。 Cars 4 and 5 are bilevel Green Cars. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.