What does чебрец in Russian mean?

What is the meaning of the word чебрец in Russian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use чебрец in Russian.

The word чебрец in Russian means thyme. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word чебрец



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Тебе также потребуется 60 миллилитров оливкового масла, несколько измельченных зубчиков чеснока, лавровый лист и чебрец — по вкусу, сок с одного апельсина, немного натертых апельсиновых корок, щепотка красного перца, щепотка соли, 140 миллилитров красного вина.
You will also need four tablespoonfuls [60 cc] of olive oil; several crushed garlic cloves; one bouquet garni; juice of one orange; some grated orange rind; a pinch of red chili pepper; a pinch of salt; five fluid ounces [140 cc] of red wine.
Добавь измельченный чеснок, лавровый лист и чебрец, апельсиновый сок и кожуру и затем красный перец.
Add the crushed garlic, bouquet garni, orange juice and rind, and red chili pepper.
Чайные букеты из мелиссы, мяты, ежевики, земляники, малины, зверобоя, липы, черники, тмина, чебреца, арники и ромашки, собранные вручную на местных полонинах, воплотились в фирменном чае «Травяной мир».
You will naturally like tea bunches from melissa, mint, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, St.-John`s wort, linden, bilberries, caraway, Chebrets, Arnika and camomile collected on local fields — this special collection of flowers is known as «Grass world» tea.
По пути проводник заставлял всех собирать непонятную травку, по его утверждению это были мята и чебрец (не знаю, так ли это, но чай от нее становился веселей).
On a way the conductor forced all to collect not clear travku, under its(his) statement it were mint and chebrets (I do not know, whether so it, but tea from it(her) became become bright).
Однако антипаразитарный эффект средства достигается за счет добавления в препарат большого количества натуральных эфирных масел: чебреца, бергамота, ромашки, шалфея и красного перца.
As practice shows, Doctor Zoo is somewhat less effective than other shampoos due to the lack of synthetic insecticides in it. However, the antiparasitic effect of the agent is achieved by adding to the preparation a large amount of natural essential oils: thyme, bergamot, chamomile, sage and red pepper.
Исчезли кусты, высокая трава между валунами, участки дерна, обглоданного кроликами, исчезли чебрец и шалфей, мята и желтые горные розочки.
The bushes, and the long grasses, between the boulders, the patches of rabbit-cropped turf, the thyme and the sage and the marjoram, and the yellow rockroses all vanished, and they found themselves at the top of a wide steep slope of fallen stones, the remains of a landslide.

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Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russian people of Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as widely spoken throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian has words similar to Serbian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Slovak, Polish, and other languages derived from the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the largest native language in Europe and the most common geographical language in Eurasia. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with a total of more than 258 million speakers worldwide. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the eighth most spoken language in the world by total speakers. This language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is also the second most popular language on the Internet, after English.