What does 避孕药 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 避孕药 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 避孕药 in Chinese.
The word 避孕药 in Chinese means contraceptive, pill, prophylactic. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 避孕药
contraceptivenoun (means by which impregnating a woman can be prevented) 注射剂是最常用的避孕方法,其次是避孕药,最后是绝育法。 Injectables are the most commonly used contraception method, followed by the pill and finally sterilization. |
pillnoun (the pill - functions as a contraceptive) 这 是 对 你 不好 , 尤其 是 因为 你 在 服用 避孕药 。 It's bad for you, especially since you're on the pill. |
prophylacticnoun 嗯 , 莱昂 , 我能 得到 价格 检查 十二包 木马 避孕药 吗 ? Uh, Leon, could I get a price check on a twelve-pack of Trojan prophylactics? |
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使用避孕药的比率由1970年的8%增加到2000年的64%;自然而然,出生率的变化正好相反;人口增长率也迅速降低,现在该比率已降至1.5%。 The rate of contraceptive use had increased from 8 per cent in 1970 to 64 per cent in 2000; naturally, the birth rate had evolved in the opposite direction, while the rate of demographic growth had dropped rapidly and was currently 1.5 per cent. |
随着摒弃这一年龄限制,现在避孕药重又回到每位女性基本的一揽子保险里。 With the abolishment of this age limit, the pill is now back in the basic package for every woman. |
药剂师则可以在处方过期后一年内发放口服避孕药; Pharmacists are authorized to provide oral contraceptives on the basis of an out-of-date prescription issued less than a year earlier; |
在大约三分之一的国家,至少有一半以上的避孕是使用绝育和避孕药的(联合国 # a)。 In as many as one third of the countries, a single method, usually sterilization or the pill, accounts for at least half of all contraceptive use (United Nations # a |
指避孕效果更好的方法,包括女性男性绝育手术、避孕药、宫内避孕器 (IUD)、男用避孕套、注射式避孕药和植入式避孕器,以及阴道屏障避孕法。 Being more effective at preventing pregnancy and including female and male sterilization, the pill, the intrauterine device (IUD), the male condom, injectables and implants, and vaginal barrier methods. |
在已经怀孕的情况下,服用这种紧急避孕药不再有效果,并且不会造成流产......。 Emergency contraceptive pills are not effective once the process of implantation has begun and do not cause abortion |
78. 危地马拉当局报告说,很多情况下,强奸风险极高,以至于贩运者为了避免少女怀孕,[footnoteRef:56] 在出发前强迫她们注射避孕药。 A common denominator in almost every State is the lack of information about human rights violations faced by unaccompanied migrant children. |
避孕药的使用在同一时期从 # %上升到 # %,在医疗照顾下接生的人数从 # 上升到 # 以上,并且生育率现在接近更替率。 Contraceptive use rose from # to # per cent during the same period, the number of deliveries under medical care rose from # to more than # out of # and fertility is now near the replacement rate |
全世界有8%的目前已婚妇女和13%的避孕者使用口服避孕药,它仅次于女性绝育和宫内避孕器成为第三种使用最广泛的避孕方法。 Oral pills, used by 8 per cent of currently married women and by 13 per cent of contraceptive users worldwide, ranks behind female sterilization and the IUD as the third most used method. |
现在使用现代避孕手段的已婚妇女占 # %,注射和避孕药是她们最常用的方法(分别为 # %和 # %)。 Current use of modern methods is placed at # % for the women in union, being the injections and the pill the methods that present greater prevalence of use ( # % and # %, respectively |
最近,此事已变成“持续使用事后避孕药导致死亡”的故事。 媒体对紧急避孕药的渲染性报道的背后原因可能是,以“科学”证据为由,其实是担心“不负责任”的性行为。 The fear-mongering media coverage around emergency contraceptive pills is likely to be driven by concerns about “irresponsible” sexuality, hiding behind false “scientific” justification for such concerns. |
妇女使用的最为普遍的避孕方法(需指出的是,同一个妇女可使用多种避孕方法)是避孕套( # %)和避孕药( # %)。 The contraceptive methods most widely used by women (bearing in mind that the same woman may use more than one method) are the condom ( # %) and the pill ( # % |
专家认为,如果在怀孕最初几周不小心服用了这种紧急避孕药,不会对怀孕妇女或胎儿造成伤害。 Experts believe there is no harm to a pregnant woman or foetus if emergency contraceptive pills are inadvertently used during the first weeks of pregnancy. |
年 # 月的一场运动的主要目的是唤起年龄较小的未成年人注意(他们或者还没开始性生活,或者才刚刚开始),让其认识到自我保护的重要性和如何方便地使用避孕药。 The main purpose of the November # campaign was to draw the attention of very young adolescents (either before they become sexually active or very early on in their sex life) to the need to protect themselves and to the increased accessibility of contraceptives |
然而,这些活动相对较弱,据说去氧孕烯是口服避孕药中使用最具选择性和纯净的孕激素之一。 However, these activities are relatively weak, and desogestrel is said to be one of the most selective and pure progestogens used in oral contraceptives. |
口服避孕药是最常用的计划生育方式,不过由于艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染率不断增加,现提倡改用保险套。 Oral contraceptives were the most prevalent family planning method, although a switch to condom use was advocated because of the increasing rate of HIV/AIDS infection. |
秘鲁Flora Tristan组织则号召另一起抗争及群众集会活动,该组织认为女性无法获得节育方式,或是新法规定事后避孕药不得免费发送,都算是种性别暴力,该组织将在首都一座公园举办教育活动,散发节育资讯,并分送事后避孕药与节育套装产品,以示为象征性抗争: They will be doing an educational campaign in a park in Lima and giving out information about birth control, also handing out day after pills and birth control packets as a symbolic protest: |
委员会特别关切的是,遭强奸和乱伦情况下堕胎属于犯罪,而且宪法法院禁止向强奸受害者发放紧急口服避孕药。 The Committee is particularly concerned at the criminalization of abortions in cases of rape and incest as well as the prohibition by the Constitutional Court of the distribution of oral emergency contraception to victims of rape. |
年进行的一次成人健康行为调查中包括的一个问题表明,在 # 岁女性当中,有 # %的人在过去 # 天里使用过避孕药,有 # %的人用过避孕套和荷尔蒙激素药物。 The adult health behaviour survey carried out in # contained a question that shows that among women aged # per cent had used contraceptive pills in the previous seven days, and # per cent of the respondents had used plasters and hormonal spirals |
该项目创立于2001年,为卫生部在蒙得维的亚的用户免费长期提供各种避孕措施的选择(如荷尔蒙避孕药、注射避孕、宫内节育器、男性避孕套、紧急避孕药等)。 Created in 2001, this programme offers MSP users in Montevideo free and ongoing access to a wide range of reversible contraception methods (hormonal contraceptives, injections, IUDs, condoms, emergency contraception). |
在这些女性中,47%的女性至少使用其中的一种避孕方法:避孕药(44%)、注射(38%)、避孕套(8%)、体外避孕法(7%)和绝育(3%)。 Out of these women, 47 per cent use at least one method; contraceptive pills (44 per cent), injections (38 per cent), condoms (8 per cent), early withdrawal (7 per cent), and sterilization (3 per cent). |
原则上避孕药具不可报销,但避孕药除外,因避孕药也可用于治疗痛经。 As a matter of principle, they are not refunded, except for contraceptive pills, which can also be used to treat menstrual pain. |
对于其他医疗服务项目的用户,只收取1.5美元(口服避孕药)至5美元(宫内节育器)不等的少量费用。 For users of other health services, these methods are offered at cost, varying between US$1.50 (for oral contraceptives) to US$5 in the case of IUDs. |
根据美洲农业研究所农村发展观察处掌握的信息,每4名农村妇女中有3人曾经使用过一种避孕药具。 65.7%的农村妇女采取现代避孕方法(避孕药:41.1%;避孕套:21.7%;绝育手术:19.8%;宫内装置:18.4%),40%的人采取传统避孕法(体外射精法:31%;定期禁欲:20%)。 According to information obtained by the IICA Rural Development Observatory, three out of every four rural women have used a means of contraception at some time: 65.7 per cent have used a modern method (41.1 per cent pills, 21.7 per cent condoms, 19.8 per cent sterilization, 18.4 per cent IUD) and 40 per cent a traditional method (31 per cent withdrawal and 20 per cent periodic abstinence). |
使用化学避孕药的妇女,共计,千人计 Number of women using chemical contraceptives — total, thousand persons |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.