What does 保姆 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 保姆 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 保姆 in Chinese.
The word 保姆 in Chinese means nanny, nurse, au pair. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 保姆
nannynoun (child's nurse) Tessa 的 保姆 周日 和 她 在 一起 Uh, Tessa's nanny is with her on weekdays. |
nursenoun (sick (usually under the supervision of a physician) 乔 琳娜 你 能 在 育儿 室 喂 他 或 让 把 他 给 保姆 吗 ? Jolene, can you feed him in the nursery or let him go to the nurse? |
au pairnoun (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) 他们 说 他家 保姆 是 瑞典 的 互惠 交流 生 They said it was a Swedish au pair. |
See more examples
那裡 有 是 高級 保姆 和 孩子 們 聚集 的 地方 It was a gathering place for upscale nannies and their young charges. |
这些移动主要是发生在三个方面:从一个农村地区到另一个农村地区,年轻妇女加入农业综合企业劳动队伍;从农村到城市地区,女童和成年妇女离开城镇进入服务和产业部门,包括出口加工区;以及从区域到国际,去从事保姆、女佣、工厂工人、娱乐人员或教师和护士。 These movements take place mainly from one rural area to another, as young women join the agribusiness workforce; from rural to urban areas, where girls and adult women leave for towns and cities to enter the service and manufacturing sectors, including the export processing zones; and from regions to the international arena, to work as nannies, maids, factory workers, entertainers, or teachers and nurses. |
我 是 位 英国 保姆 而且 我 很 危险 I'm a British nanny... and I'm dangerous. |
等 下 我 要 见 个 叫 Natalie Flores 的 女人 她 在 Wendy 家当 了 五年 的 保姆 Later today, I'm meeting with a woman named Natalie Flores who worked for five years as Wendy Scott-Carr's nanny. |
这项新公约肯定了应依法让管家、保姆和照顾者受到尊重和平等待遇,早就应该实行。” "This new convention is a long overdue recognition of housekeepers, nannies, and caregivers as workers who deserve respect and equal treatment under the law." |
保姆 我們 要 去 海灘 Nanny, we're going to the beach. |
我 可不是 什麼 該 死 的 保姆 I'm not a God damn babysitter. |
辛西娅亲自照顾朱利安,没有请奶妈,但保姆经常雇。 Cynthia took care of Julian herself, without a nanny, although babysitters were frequently employed. |
回到 保姆 那去 ! Go back to nanny! |
保姆 为什么 我 不 记得 我 妈妈? Nanna, why don't I remember my mother? |
当中超过百分之20的婴孩由母亲在家中照顾,其余则交由托儿所或保姆看管。 More than 20 percent of the children were cared for by their mothers at home; the rest were sent to day-care centers or to the homes of paid baby-sitters. |
因此,宠物保姆须接受额外的筛查,包括专业服务人士背景调查。 For this reason, pet boarders undergo an additional level of screening, including service professional background checks. |
根据该计划为儿童成立的托儿所和日托中心还使女童从保姆的角色中解放出来,这一点可以从小学入学率的上升得知。 The establishment of Crèches and the day care centres for children under the scheme as noted above has also freed the girl child from being a baby sitter as reflected in the increased enrolment rate in the elementary education |
不 , 我 想要 一个 专业 的 保姆 , 爸爸 。 No, I wanted a professional nanny, dad. |
我 想 他 把 " 欢乐 满 人间 " 当真 了 ( 迪斯尼 影片 讲述 仙女 保姆 和 小孩 的 故事 ) I think he locked in to the whole Mary Poppins thing. |
我们 是 逃犯 又 不是 保姆 We're outlaws, not wet nurses. |
我 已经 采取 关闭 fukk 和 卡住 保姆 阿迪 经典 。 I've been taken off Fukk and stuck babysitting Addy Classics. |
在 这里 只有 我 的 保姆! Only my nurse! |
查尔兹 还有 一个 保姆 Childs had another nanny. |
在大量无法形容的行动中,有一个印度保姆冒着生命危险拯救了一个 # 岁大的以色列儿童。 Rising out of the maelstrom of unspeakable acts was an Indian caregiver, who risked her life to save a two-year-old Israeli child |
妈 , 你 在 和 我 的 保姆 交往? You fuck my nurse, mommy? |
那 保姆 是 非法 入境 的 She is an illegal alien. |
此外 , 康纳斯 , 不用 担心 有关 该 保姆 。 And, Connors, don't worry about that babysitter. |
办公自动化、办公室助手、接待人员、呼叫中心、办公室现代化通信、信息处理应用培训工作者、银行培训、社会文化中介、医疗辅助; 产妇护理员、特需人员的助理和服务工作者、日托保姆、家政雇员; 销售助手、销售技术和职业初级证书、果蔬栽培与销售、超级市场相关职业和特殊销售。 · Office equipment operator, office clerk, receptionist, call centre employee, modern office communications, instructor in computer applications, banking, social workers, health aide |
要做家庭保姆的人需要有移民许可,而这种许可的总数是严格限制的。 A settlement permit was required to work as an au pair and the overall number of such permits was strictly limited. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.