Organic & Raw Whole Flaxseed 100g (1)
Organic & Raw Whole Flaxseed 100g (2)
Organic & Raw Whole Flaxseed 100g (3)

Sell Organic & Raw Whole Flaxseed 100g best price

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No Brand
Ships from
Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Product Description

Flaxseed Meal has a mild, nutty flavor. Contains a wealth of omega-3 fatty acids. Our flaxseed meal is cold milled to preserve the freshness and nutrition of its precious oils. Add it to smoothies, cereals, and baked goods for a wholesome nutritional boost. Flaxseeds (also called linseeds) are a rich source of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, and the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, also known as ALA or omega-3. The seeds come from flax, one of the oldest fiber crops in the world - known to have been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. Flaxseed is a source of healthy fat, antioxidants, and fiber; modern research has found evidence to suggest that flaxseed can also help lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. King Charlemagne of the 8th century believed so strongly in the health benefits of flaxseed that he demanded his loyal subjects eat the seeds and passed laws to make sure of it. Flaxseed has a light, nutty taste.

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