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Product Description

Brand: Guandi Bite-resistant cloth dog puppies open-sleeve sleeves for training dogs bite sleeves German Shepherd and Shepherd dog training supplies for dog bite-proof sleeves 20896;迪 ?耐?耐\32784;\32784; \\21676;布?狗???狗??????? \\\youryour name you will be your name and your name you will be your name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What? ❤️ 喜歡 ❤️ [UNK]們店舖[UNK][UNK] 👉 \38364;注\ 36067;場 💕 \12316; 欢迎光[UNK][UNK]店〜[UNK]注[UNK]店[UNK]断推[UNK][UNK][UNK]新品[UNK]优惠资[UNK]哦〜 ❤️ I'm sorry. ✨ 包裹[UNK]旦發[UNK] 🌂 [UNK][UNK]取消訂單[UNK],請[UNK]悉 💢 ✨ About color difference 💕 It's normal that there is a little color difference between the goods and the pictures 💢 ✨ \21806;\ 21806;\ 21864;\ 25563; 🍒 介[UNK]請[UNK] 📣 ✨ Customers who often don't pick up the goods, please don't place the order of cash on delivery ✅ ✨ Please don't give four stars or below without reason, otherwise the transaction will be blocked 🎉 Bite-resistant cloth dog dog puppies open-sleeve sleeves Bite-resistant cloth dog dog dog dog puppies for training dog biting sleeves German Shepherdhttp http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http http 21676;袖 Brand:NobrandColor: Yellow Black Red

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