Basic Algoritm And Data Structure With Java Language (1)
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Basic algorithms and Data structure with Java language (ORIGINAL) xxx Category (Sub): Computer (computer literature) Isbn: 978-979 - 29-4754 - Author: Cipta Ramadhani, S.T., M.Eng Page size: 20x28 cm2 xii + 332 pages Print: I, 1st Published edition Year rising: 2015 This book contains basic algorithms that you must know about that you want to be involved in computer programming. By studying this book, you 'll be led to understand the algorithms of the big zero. The material diskussed ranges from operator recognition and programming logic to more complex materials such as tree and graph. In addition, in each chapter the author approaches programming with the concept of OOP and adds a number of images as visualization to make the diskussion more interesting and understandable. In general, the book includes: Operators and data types in Java, which provide an overview of statements and syntax in Java; conditional statements, repetitions, and jump, which serve to control the program 's execution plot in Java language (in this chapter you will also learn one of the repeating techniques in Java, i.e. Recursive techniques); an embahasan on object-oriented general concepts of programming, which concerns the implementation of class and object in Java; array and String; data sequencing and search techniques such as radix sort, quick sort, and heap sort; use of queue, stack, and priority queue in Java; linked list On the single linked-list with tail pointer, linked list with dummy node, and double linked-list; diskussion of trees, consisting of binary search tree and red black tree; the use of hash table as a method Save and retrieve data; use graph to model the network.

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