What does noch immer in German mean?
What is the meaning of the word noch immer in German? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use noch immer in German.
The word noch immer in German means always, always, more and more, forever, get quieter and quieter, still, always be, always be, always when, again and again, always, whenever, whatever, whatever, whichever, whoever, whatever, as always. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word noch immer
always(ständig, stets) Unser Nachbar ist immer gut gelaunt. Our neighbor is always in a good mood. |
always(jedes Mal) Immer wenn es regnet, tropft es durch das Dach. Every time it rains the ceiling leaks. |
more and more(umgangssprachlich (Füllwort: Steigerung) Die Musik wird immer lauter. The music becomes louder more and more. |
forever(Zeitraum: unendlich lang) Ich würde dich gern für immer vergessen. I would like to be able to forget about you forever. |
get quieter and quieter(an Lautstärke verlieren) |
still(nach wie vor) Sie ist schon drei Jahre, aber trägt immer noch eine Windel. She is already three years old but still wears diapers. |
always be(fortwährend existieren) (exist always) |
always be(verhalten: fortwährend) (be preserved forever) |
always when(zu einem best Zeitpunkt) Immer wenn ich aus dem Fenster sehe, sehne ich mich nach der Freiheit. I always long for freedom when I look outside the window. |
again and again(wiederholt) Ich kam immer wieder in dieses tolle Restaurant zurück. I came back to that great restaurant again and again. |
always(seit Anbeginn) Das war doch schon immer so! That has always been like that! |
whenever(Zeitpunkt: egal) |
whatever(Objekt: egal was) Was auch immer geschieht, wir stehen immer zu dir. Whatever happens we will be there for you. |
whatever(mündlich (Spruch: Gleichgültigkeit) Was der Lehrer heute gesagt hat? - Was auch immer, interessiert mich doch nicht. What the teacher told us today? - Whatever, I don't care. |
whichever(egal, welche) |
whoever(Person: egal, wer) Wer auch immer meine Nachfolge antreten wird, ich hoffe, er wird genauso viel Spaß bei der Arbeit haben, wie ich. Whoever is going to succeed me, I hope that this person will have as much fun at work as I did. |
whatever(mündlich (wie dem auch sei) Die Kinder bringen Freunde mit, wie auch immer, es ist genug für alle da. |
as always(wie gewohnt) Ich bin heute früh wie immer um 6 Uhr aufgestanden. Today I got up at 6 am as always. |
Let's learn German
So now that you know more about the meaning of noch immer in German, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in German.
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Do you know about German
German (Deutsch) is a West Germanic language spoken mainly in Central Europe. It is the official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), the German-speaking community in Belgium, and Liechtenstein; It is also one of the official languages in Luxembourg and the Polish province of Opolskie. As one of the major languages in the world, German has about 95 million native speakers globally and is the language with the largest number of native speakers in the European Union. German is also the third most commonly taught foreign language in the United States (after Spanish and French) and the EU (after English and French), the second most used language in science[12] and the third most used language on the Internet (after English and Russian). There are approximately 90–95 million people who speak German as a first language, 10–25 million as a second language, and 75–100 million as a foreign language. Thus, in total, there are about 175–220 million German speakers worldwide.