What does modernisasi in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word modernisasi in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use modernisasi in Indonesian.

The word modernisasi in Indonesian means modernization, modernisation, modernity, modernization. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word modernisasi



Inilah negara yang memang telah melalui modernisasi yang sangat amat menarik.
This is a country that indeed has gone through a very, very interesting modernization.





Inilah negara yang memang telah melalui modernisasi yang sangat amat menarik.
This is a country that indeed has gone through a very, very interesting modernization.


noun (transformation of a society from an agrarian to an industrial economy)

Dengan uang lebih, pabrik memutuskan melakukan modernisasi menghilangkan pekerjaan Tn. Bucket.
With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize eliminating Mr. Bucket's job.

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Restorasi Meiji sering disebut-sebut sebagai "revolusi tidak berdarah" yang mengawali modernisasi Jepang.
In modern summaries, the Meiji Restoration is often described as a "bloodless revolution" leading to the sudden modernization of Japan.
Ini adalah budaya antara korban sejarah melawan modernisasi.
It's the cult of victim versus modernity.
Hilali memiliki pengaruh besar dalam membentuk visi komunitas ini, penerimaan atau penolakan mereka terhadap ide dan inovasi serta membantu mengintegrasikan perubahan yang terkait dengan pengembangan, modernisasi dalam masyarakat ini.
The Hilali thus has a considerable influence in shaping these communities’ vision, their acceptance or rejection of ideas and innovations and it helps integrate changes associated with development, modernisation in these societies.
Dalam pidatonya ia juga menekankan menggabungkan modernisasi dengan tradisi dan mengingat ajaran-ajaran Paus Yohanes Paulus II.
In his speech he also emphasized combining modernization with tradition and remembering the teachings of Pope John Paul II.
Management Munck Foods di Miami mengirimku kemari untuk mengadakan mekanisasi dan modernisasi prosedur.
Management at Munck Foods in Miami has sent me here to conduct mechanization and modernization procedures.
Teori globalisasi (kategori) Sistem manusia–lingkungan terpadu Kapitalisme Teori ketergantungan Modernisasi ekologi Pembangunan ekonomi Nasionalisme ekonomi Teori keterlibatan Industrialisasi Merkantilisme Modernisasi Teori modernisasi Pembagian tenaga kerja internasional baru Masyarakat pascakontemporer Masyarakat pascaindustri Pascamodernisme Akumulasi modal primitif Teori regulasi Sosialisme revolusioner Evolusi sosial-budaya Teori sistem dunia Istilah globalisasi (kategori) Indeks globalisasi (kategori) Corruption Perceptions Index Democracy Index Indeks globalisasi ekonomi (kategori) Freedom in the World Kota global Globalization Index Pembangunan bisnis internasional dan organisasi bisnis dan perdagangan dunia merupakan aspek-aspek dasar globalisasi dan perkembangan sistem global.
Coupled human–environment systems Capitalism-related Dependency theory Ecological modernization Economic development Economic nationalism Engaged theory Industrialisation Mercantilism Modernization Modernization theory New international division of labour Post-contemporary society Post-industrial society Postmodernism Primitive accumulation of capital Regulation theory Revolutionary socialism Sociocultural evolution World-systems theory List of globalization-related indices Corruption Perceptions Index Democracy Index Global economic indicators (category) Freedom in the World Global city Globalization Index International business development and the organization of business and trade worldwide are fundamental aspects of globalization and the development of globalizing systems.
Fenomena ini terkait erat dengan modernisasi, industrialisasi, dan proses sosiologi seperti rasionalisasi.
The phenomenon has been closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process of rationalization.
"Menurut memoar Winston Churchill, modernisasi utama dibahas untuk memungkinkan Nelson untuk melayani selama beberapa tahun di armada pasca perang, tetapi tidak ada rincian lainnya selamat.
"According to Winston Churchill's memoirs, a major modernisation was discussed to enable Nelson to serve for several years in the postwar fleet, but no other details have survived.
Teoris sosial seperti Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Max Weber, dan Émile Durkheim, menyatakan bahwa modernisasi masyarakat akan mendorong penurunan tingkat religiusitas.
Social theorists such as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Max Weber, and Émile Durkheim, postulated that the modernization of society would include a decline in levels of religiosity.
Beberapa di antaranya kemudian memainkan peran penting dalam bidang kekristenan, pendidikan, dan hubungan internasional selama Jepang berlanjut melakukan modernisasi pada awal abad ke-20.
Some of them later played important roles in the fields of Christianity, education, and international relations during Japan's continuing modernization in the early 20th century.
Karya-karya Joehana menyoroti sebagian besar tema, meskipun umumnya karya-karyanya berorientasi pada kritisisme sosial dan mempromosikan modernisasi.
Joehana's works cover a wide range of themes, although in general they are oriented towards social criticism and promote modernization.
Program ini adalah kunci dari upaya modernisasi sistem perbendaharaan dan anggaran negara dan memiliki tiga tujuan utama:
It is key to the Ministry of Finance’s efforts to modernize the state treasury and budget systems, and has three main objectives:
Karena peningkatan jumlah penumpang dan perkiraan pertumbuhan jumlah penumpang pada masa dekat mendatang, Bandar Udara Internasional Putri Juliana dimodernisasi secara besar dengan mengikuti sebuah rencana induk 3 fase, dipersiapkan pada 1997.
Because of increased passenger traffic and the expected growth of passenger traffic in the near future, Princess Juliana International Airport is being heavily modernized following a three-phased masterplan, commissioned in 1997.
Tank-tank ini dimodernisasi tahun 1981 mengganti meriam dengan sebuah 2A46M1, penyeimbangnya dengan 2E42, dan memasukan sebuah pelontar granat asap 902A "Tucha-1" di dua grup berisi empat pelontar, di kedua sisi meriam.
They were modernised in 1981 by the replacement of the gun by a 2A46M1, the stabiliser by a 2E42, and the mounting of a 902A "Tucha-1" smoke grenade launcher in two groups of four, on each side of the gun.
Rama IV (Raja Mongkut) membuka Siam untuk perdagangan Eropa dan memulai proses modernisasi.
Rama IV (King Mongkut) opened Siam to European trade and began the process of modernisation.
Pembiayaan ini merupakan bagian dari Agenda Reformasi Nasional yang sedang berjalan dengan memberi fokus pada desentralisasi, demokratisasi, dan modernisasi dan didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan irigasi partisipatif.
This financing is part of an ongoing National Reform Agenda that focuses on decentralization, democratization, and modernization and is based on the principles of participatory irrigation management.
Para pendukung Erdoğanisme sering menyerukan bagi kebangkitan nilai-nilai budaya dan tradisional dari Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah dan mengkritik reformasi sosial dan modernisasi pro-Barat yang diprakarsai oleh pendiri Republik Turki, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Supporters of Erdoğanism often call for a revival of cultural and traditional values from the Ottoman Empire and are critical of the pro-western social reforms and modernisation initiated by the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Dalam pidatonya, ia berkata bahwa TV adalah langkah penting buat modernisasi Bhutan seperti sumbangan utama pada Kebahagiaan Nasional Bruto negeri ini (Bhutan ialah satu-satunya negara yang mengukur kebahagiaan) namun memperingatkan penyalahgunaan TV yang bisa menggerus nilai-nilai tradisional Bhutan.
In his speech, the King said that television was a critical step to the modernization of Bhutan as well as a major contributor to the country's gross national happiness, but warned that the "misuse" of this new technology could erode traditional Bhutanese values.
Ballén menghadapi tantangan dari Bank Dunia, ketika mencoba untuk mengamankan modernisasi ekonomi Ekuador.
Ballén faced challenges while attempting to secure the modernization of the Ecuadorian economy from the World Bank.
Pendapatnya adalah bahwa Austria harus menyerang Serbia pada bulan Desember, dan jika "Rusia mendukung Serbia, yang ia jelas tidak ... maka perang akan dihindari untuk kita juga," dan itu akan lebih baik daripada pergi berperang setelah Rusia menyelesaikan modernisasi besar-besaran dan ekspansi militer mereka, yang baru saja dimulai.
His opinion was that Austria-Hungary should attack Serbia that December, and if “Russia supports the Serbs, which she evidently does...then war would be unavoidable for us, too,” and that this would be better now than later, after completion of (the just begun) massive modernization and expansion of the Russian army and railway system toward Germany.
Menurut FTP, US$580 juta telah dianggarkan untuk pembangunan dan modernisasi telekomunikasi di Sochi.
According to the FTP, US$580 million would be spent on construction and modernization of telecommunications in the region.
Sosiologi modern, muncul di awal abad 19 sebagai respon akademik terhadap modernisasi dunia.
The modern sociology emerged in the early 19th century as the academic response to the modernization of the world.
Templat:Kekerasan melawan Buddhis Para biksu Buddha dipaksa kembali menjadi awam, properti Buddhis dirusak, lembaga-lembaga Buddha ditutup, dan sekolah-sekolah Buddha dirombak di bawah kontrol negara dalam rangka modernisasi Jepang pada awal Zaman Meiji.
Buddhist monks were forced to return to the laity, Buddhist property was confiscated, Buddhist institutions were closed, and Buddhist schools were reorganized under state control in the name of modernizing Japan during the early Meiji period.
Jauh di luar pembangunan ulang stadion sendiri, seluruh proyek yang disebut Proyek Stadion Euro, juga termasuk pengorganisasian olahraga, budaya, dan acara-acara komersial serta modernisasi di seluruh daerah Calhabé, Coimbra.
Far beyond the sports stadium itself, all the project, called Euro Stadium Project, included the possibility of organizing sports, culture, and commercial events, by the modernization of the entire Calhabé area in Coimbra.
Sebagai reaksi atas kekalahan ini, reformator seperti Stein dan Hardenberg bersiap melakukan modernisasi negara Prusia.
In response to this defeat, reformers such as Stein and Hardenberg set about modernising the Prussian state.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.