What does kaputt sein in German mean?

What is the meaning of the word kaputt sein in German? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kaputt sein in German.

The word kaputt sein in German means broken, broken, kaput, exhausted, wasted, break, break, break, break, break, break. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word kaputt sein


(nicht funktionsfähig)

den kaputten Fernseher reparieren
to repair the broken television


(zerbrochen, zerrissen)

einen kaputten Teller wegwerfen
to throw away a broken plate


(am Ende, gescheitert) (figurative: failed)

die kaputte Beziehung aufgeben
to give up on a broken relationship


(übertragen (müde, erschöpft)

nach dem Sportunterricht kaputt sein
be exhausted after sports lesson


(Slang, übertragen (Person: heruntergekommen)

der kaputte Typ an der Ecke
the wasted guy in the corner


(Gegenstand: zerbrechen) (objects, items)

Sei vorsichtig mit der Vase! Ich möchte nicht, dass sie kaputt geht.
Be careful with the vase! I don't want it to break.


(aufhören zu funktionieren) (machines, systems)

Es ist normal, dass die Waschmaschine früher oder später kaputt geht.
It is normal that the washing machine breaks soon or later.


(ein Ende nehmen)

Wenn man nicht daran arbeitet, kann eine Ehe sehr schnell kaputt gehen.
If you don't work on your marriage it can break quickly.


(Gegenstand: zerbrechen) (in half)

Simon hat den Turm aus Bauklötzen kaputt gemacht.
Simon broke the tower of blocks.


(Funktionstätigkeit stoppen) (make [sth] stop working)

Die Demonstranten haben die Gleisanlagen kaputt gemacht.
The protesters broke the railways tracks.


([etw] zerstören) (destroy)

Du hast alles kaputt gemacht!
You broke everything!

Let's learn German

So now that you know more about the meaning of kaputt sein in German, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in German.

Do you know about German

German (Deutsch) is a West Germanic language spoken mainly in Central Europe. It is the official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), the German-speaking community in Belgium, and Liechtenstein; It is also one of the official languages in Luxembourg and the Polish province of Opolskie. As one of the major languages in the world, German has about 95 million native speakers globally and is the language with the largest number of native speakers in the European Union. German is also the third most commonly taught foreign language in the United States (after Spanish and French) and the EU (after English and French), the second most used language in science[12] and the third most used language on the Internet (after English and Russian). There are approximately 90–95 million people who speak German as a first language, 10–25 million as a second language, and 75–100 million as a foreign language. Thus, in total, there are about 175–220 million German speakers worldwide.