What does eski bina in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word eski bina in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use eski bina in Turkish.

The word eski bina in Turkish means old, eski, eski, önceki, aptal, salak, modası geçmiş, eski, demode, eski, antika, modası geçmiş, demode, güncelliğini yitirmiş, günün şartlarına uymayan, eski, eskimiş, eski, antik, kadim, eski, modası geçmiş, demode, eski, eski, modası geçmiş, demode, önceki, eski, antika, eski, eski, eskimiş, eski, eski, kullanılmayan, eski, eskiden kalma, eski, eski, önceki, eski, eski, çok eski, çok eski şey, eski kafalı kimse, eski bir görünüm vermek, eski koca, esk eş, eski karı, eski eş, (eski Roma ve Yunan'da) pazar yeri/meydan, eski/hurda araba, eski İsrail kavmi, eski/değersiz eşya, döküntü eşya, eski sistem, kılıksız, eskimiş, eski püskü, ilk, eski (çağlar), antika/eski ama çekici, (giyecek) eski püskü, yırtık pırtık, partal, eski püskü/yırtık pırtık giysiler, tekrar eski durumuna getirmek, eski haline geri döndürmek, (eski para, vb.) tedavülden kaldırmak, (giysi) pejmürde, hırpani, partal, eski İngiliz altını, eski kafalı, harap, eski püskü, yırtık pırtık, eski/emekli asker. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word eski bina



(not new)

Fotoğraf makinamı ödünç alabilirsin, yalnız biraz eski bir makina, haberin olsun.
You can borrow my camera, but it's rather old.

eski, önceki

(previous, one time, ex)

Eski karısını başka bir adamla gördü.
He saw his former wife with another man.

aptal, salak

(silly, trite)

My uncle's jokes are corny, but we laugh anyway.

modası geçmiş, eski, demode

(not current)

That slang term is dated; no one uses it anymore.

eski, antika

(from bygone era)

My friend loves old clothes and jewellery, so I always try to buy her something vintage for her birthday.

modası geçmiş, demode

(not modern, old-fashioned)

Martin's clothes are really outdated; they look like they come from the seventies!

güncelliğini yitirmiş, günün şartlarına uymayan

(no longer valid, obsolete)

That banknote is outdated; you can't use it anymore.

eski, eskimiş

(figurative (no longer novel) (mecazlı)

Neil and Tina had been together for fifteen years and their relationship had grown stale.

eski, antik, kadim

(era: old, esp. classical) (zaman)

Drew is studying ancient civilizations in school.


(old, old-fashioned)

The tourists visited the archaic shrine outside of town.

modası geçmiş, demode

(figurative (old-fashioned)

The man looked out of place in his fusty brown cap and vest.


(figurative (saying: old, overused) (mecazlı)

I'm so tired of that hoary phrase; can't they think of something new?

eski, modası geçmiş, demode

(belief, attitude: outmoded) (inanç, vb.)

Some still hold the primitive belief that the world is flat.

önceki, eski


Önceki hükümetler basın mensuplarına karşı dostça davranmıyordu.
Past governments were not friendly to the press.

antika, eski


He likes to collect old cars.



That's my old history teacher.

eskimiş, eski


The couch is getting rather old.


(worn out) (giysi)

I use old socks as cleaning rags.

kullanılmayan, eski

(no longer in use)

The old railway station is abandoned.

eskiden kalma, eski

(of an earlier period) (yara, vb.)

His old knee injury came back to haunt him.


(time: far back)

The pottery had been made by an early tribe of settlers.



The three past Senators are no longer involved in government.



This is Leonard, a sometime high-school basketball star and current bank president.


(of long standing) (arkadaş, vb.)

Erika and Davina are old friends of mine; we met at school and we still see each other regularly.

çok eski

(structure, object: very old)

The ancient church is in a state of disrepair.

çok eski şey

(very old item)

eski kafalı kimse

(figurative (person: old-fashioned)

I'm afraid I'm a dinosaur when it comes to social media.

eski bir görünüm vermek

(age furniture, clothing, etc.) (eşya, giysi, vb.)

The furniture maker distressed the chest of drawers.

eski koca, esk eş

(abbr, informal (ex-husband)

Her ex has asked if he can move back in.

eski karı, eski eş

(abbr, informal (ex-wife)

His ex has just gotten married to a military guy.

(eski Roma ve Yunan'da) pazar yeri/meydan

(historical (public space in ancient Rome)

The Forum was the heart of ancient Rome.

eski/hurda araba

(informal, figurative, slang (unreliable car)

Fred was still driving his old heap around, even though he had plenty of money to upgrade.

eski İsrail kavmi

(figurative (God's chosen people) (mecazlı)

eski/değersiz eşya, döküntü eşya

(useless item)

Karen's car was a piece of junk, and she wanted a new one.

eski sistem

(computing: outdated technology) (bilgisayar)

The program does not support legacy systems such as Windows 98.



She was dressed in old and mean clothes, but was still the prettiest girl there.

eskimiş, eski püskü

(informal (threadbare, worn through)

All the knees of his jeans were out.

ilk, eski (çağlar)

(history: early, earliest) (tarih)

Since primitive times this river has been a trading route.

antika/eski ama çekici

(old-fashioned but charming)

What a quaint thatched cottage!

(giyecek) eski püskü, yırtık pırtık, partal

(clothing: tattered)

Norma's heart was touched by the little boy's ragged clothing.

eski püskü/yırtık pırtık giysiler

(worn out clothing)

tekrar eski durumuna getirmek

(return to original state)

Jerry reset his computer to factory settings.

eski haline geri döndürmek

(return to original state)

John restored the old sports car to its former glory.

(eski para, vb.) tedavülden kaldırmak

(stop using: sth old)

Laura decided it was time to retire her old walking shoes, as they were falling apart.

(giysi) pejmürde, hırpani, partal

(sth: worn)

Simon's furniture must have been nice when he bought it, but now it's shabby.

eski İngiliz altını

(UK, historical (former UK coin)

Polly's uncle gave her a sovereign for her birthday.

eski kafalı

(informal, figurative (conventional) (mecazlı)

My parents are so straight - they'd be horrified if I got a tattoo!


(figurative (run-down) (mecazlı)

That sofa looks really tired. We need a new one.

eski püskü, yırtık pırtık

(worn out) (giysi, vb.)

You can't wear that coat, it's too well used.

eski/emekli asker

(informal, abbreviation (veteran of armed services) (gündelik dil)

That man is an army vet.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of eski bina in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.