What does dra in in Swedish mean?
What is the meaning of the word dra in in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dra in in Swedish.
The word dra in in Swedish means dra in, hålla in, dra in, få ut, dra in, dra in, dra in ngt, dra in ngt, andas in ngt, dra in ngn i ngt, dra in ngn i ngt, dra in ngn i ngt, blanda in ngn, blanda in ngn i ngt, tjäna pengar, indragbar, dra in ngt, dra ledningar, suga in ngn/ngt i ngt, dra ledningar. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word dra in
dra in(earn, acquire) (bildlig) The movie pulled in $20 million in its first week of release. |
hålla in, dra in(stomach: make appear flat) Bill sucked his stomach in as far as he could. |
få ut(US, informal (+ adv: fare: well, etc.) (bildlig) I made out very well from the sale of my house! |
dra in(spread: mud) (familjär) Now you have tracked mud on the new carpet! |
dra in(US (dirty: an area) (familjär) Look! You have tracked the whole house which I have just cleaned! |
dra in ngt(make: money) (bildlig) My online greetings card shop brings in £300 a month. |
dra in ngt(stop manufacturing) I think they discontinued that model years ago. |
andas in ngt(inhale: smoke, breath) He would often cough after drawing in a breath of smoke. |
dra in ngn i ngt(involve sb in sth) (bildlig) Don't draw me into your problems! |
dra in ngn i ngt(often passive (involve, entangle) (blanda in ngn) The mayor's views have embroiled him in an ethics scandal. |
dra in ngn i ngt(figurative, often passive (involve: sb in sth) Bernard's brother entangled him in a pyramid scheme. |
blanda in ngn(involve) This is your problem; don't implicate me! |
blanda in ngn i ngt(involve, embroil: in sth) Valerie's testimony implicated her husband in the crime. |
tjäna pengar(make a profit) With each ticket we sell, we make money. |
indragbar(capable of being retracted) |
dra in ngt(withdraw) (formell) The company revoked their employment offer when they realized the candidate lied on his resume. |
dra ledningar(building: install the basic pipes, etc.) |
suga in ngn/ngt i ngt(draw in by suction) (bildlig) En fågel sögs in i planets jetmotor. A bird was sucked into the plane's jet engine. |
dra ledningar(equip with electrical wiring) De drog ledningarna (or: drog in elektricitet) i huset själva. They wired the house themselves. |
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Do you know about Swedish
Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.