What does büyük sedef otu in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word büyük sedef otu in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use büyük sedef otu in Turkish.

The word büyük sedef otu in Turkish means big, large, büyük, geniş, büyük, geniş, büyük, önemli, başlıca, ciddi, önemli, büyük, büyük, büyük, büyük ölçekli, ciddi, büyük, geniş, büyük, büyük çaplı, büyük, önemli, büyük, büyük, yoğun, büyük, erişkin, büyük, yüksek, büyük, geniş kapsamlı, büyük ölçekli, büyük, büyük, büyük, derin, büyük, büyük, büyük, büyük, abartılı, seçkin kimse, saygın kimse, büyük, çok büyük, burnu büyük, kendini beğenmiş, büyük bina, büyük harf, çok büyük, muazzam, büyük sandviç, muazzam, çok büyük, büyük beden, büyük boy, L beden, muhtemelen, büyük olasılıkla, büyük bir bölümü, büyük bir kısmı, büyük kısım, büyük bölüm, büyük harfle yazmak, büyük harfler, büyük ihtimalle, büyük olasılıkla, muhtemelen, büyük miktarda, köklü değişiklik, büyük değişim, büyük ihtimalle, büyük bülüm, büyük kısım, büyük ölçüde. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word büyük sedef otu

big, large

büyük, geniş


Şehir büyük bir stadyuma sahiptir.
The city has a big stadium.

büyük, geniş


Büyük bir ev satın aldılar.
They bought a large house.

büyük, önemli, başlıca


Eserlerinin üzerinde Melville'in büyük etkisi vardı.
Melville was a major influence in his writing.

ciddi, önemli


Illegal downloads pose a major threat to the music industry.


(sibling: elder, born earlier) (kardeş)

He has three older brothers and one younger.


(informal (number: high) (sayı)

A trillion is a big number.


(figurative, informal (success, etc.: total) (başarı)

The movie turned out to be a howling success.

büyük ölçekli


It's important that you try to look at this problem on the macro scale as well.


(informal (important, major)

My upbringing had a big influence on the way I view poverty.


(loud) (gürültü, vb.)

The engine exploded with a big bang and a cloud of smoke.

geniş, büyük

(figurative (great in scope) (mecazlı)

Sadece futbola değil, tüm spor dallarına karşı geniş bir ilgisi vardı.
He had a broad interest in all sports, not just football.

büyük çaplı


Mark is studying macro-economics at college.


(informal (sibling: older) (kardeş)

My big sister's always mean to me.

önemli, büyük


Beethoven'ın Dokuzuncu Senfonisi, çağının en önemli eserlerinden biridir.
Beethoven's Ninth is one of the great pieces of music of its era.


(principal, chief)

Balo, Büyük Salon'da düzenlenecektir.
The ball will be held in the Great Hall.



I get a big thrill watching live football.

büyük, erişkin

(informal (adult, grown)

The boy wants to be a fireman when he is big.



She had a very full bosom.



He has high goals for his dictionary project.


(figurative, informal (large) (mecazlı)

The truck was carrying a fat load.

geniş kapsamlı


It is a large dictionary, covering thousands of words.

büyük ölçekli, büyük


This is a very large project, which will affect hundreds of people.


(majority) (kısım, bölüm, vb.)

We have already completed the major part of the drive there.


(premise: of a syllogism) (terim, önerme, vb.)

In a syllogism, the major premise contains the term that is the predicate of the conclusion.


(figurative (profound) (mecazlı)

She has a keen interest in politics.


(house, speech: grand) (ev, vb.)

The family lived in a fine house with landscaped gardens.


(dated, figurative (demanding attention)

He considered it a crying scandal that the returning soldiers got so little assistance.


(large in scope)

The police started a massive search for the fugitive.



The mountain climber wanted to explore the mighty mountains of North America.



He likes to talk large, but I think he exaggerates.

seçkin kimse, saygın kimse, büyük

(sb important)

He's one of history's greats.

çok büyük

(figurative (a great amount of sth)

There is a world of difference between their politics.

burnu büyük, kendini beğenmiş

(figurative, informal (pretentious) (mecazlı)

He's too big to associate with normal people.

büyük bina

(large building)

The new office block is taller than other buildings in the neighbourhood.

büyük harf

(upper-case letter)

Tüm cümleler büyük harfle başlar.
All sentences start with a capital.

çok büyük, muazzam

(very large)

A tsunami is a great wave, often caused by an earthquake or volcano.

büyük sandviç

(US, regional, slang (large sandwich)

The hero I had for lunch was great - with roast beef, cheese and tomato.

muazzam, çok büyük

(informal (extremely important)

The new employment laws had a huge impact on the economy.

büyük beden, büyük boy, L beden

(shirt size)

Genellikle büyük beden giyerim.
I usually wear a large.

muhtemelen, büyük olasılıkla


Büyük olasılıkla yarın buradan ayrılacak.
He will likely leave tomorrow.

büyük bir bölümü, büyük bir kısmı

(majority or larger part of sth) (bir şeyin)

Çorbanın büyük bir bölümü yenmiştir.
Most of the soup has been eaten.

büyük kısım, büyük bölüm

(great amount)

Much of his reasoning was illogical.

büyük harfle yazmak

(handwriting: write clearly)

Verilen boşluğa imza atmak yerine isminizi büyük harflerle yazın.
Print your name in the space provided instead of signing.

büyük harfler

(capital letters)

Write your name in print - do not give a signature.

büyük ihtimalle, büyük olasılıkla, muhtemelen

(in all likelihood)

Herhalde bu yaz tatile çıkamayacağız.
If it snows, I will probably go skiing.

büyük miktarda

(figurative (large quantity)

She had to listen to a rain of insults before she could leave the room.

köklü değişiklik, büyük değişim

(marked change)

With Jefferson's administration, a silent revolution took place.

büyük ihtimalle

(will probably)

Our team should win the game because it is much better than the opposing team.

büyük bülüm, büyük kısım


It took us the best part of the morning to finish the job.

büyük ölçüde

(to a great extent)

I understood him well, but still had a few questions.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of büyük sedef otu in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.